Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pressing Pause

Two little girls were playing.
Had been for most of the day.
Their electronics – Ipads, television programs, movies – were lying forgotten.
They had spread pillows across the living room floor and played ‘stay-out-of-the-lava’. Arranged the dozens of little ponies into regimental order and enacted several scenarios. Dressed in pirate togs and created suitable situations. With appropriate pirate-y talk. Built a fortress and other grand structures out of Lego and then destroyed them – several times. Ransacked the toybox for forgotten treasures, then pressed them back into service. Climbed Mount Sofa. Read books. Sang. Had a dance party.
And trekked to the kitchen numerous times for ongoing nutritious sustenance. Those little engines needed a lot of refuelling with such a busy schedule.
It had been a full day.
And it wasn’t over yet.
Engaged in yet another grand and complex enactment, they charged through the living room.
Then, one of them stopped and announced – loudly – “I have to go potty!”
She turned toward the hallway. But before she left, she looked back at her cousin. “Pause the game, okay? I’ll be right back!”
Her cousin obligingly stopped where she was and simply stood there.
A few minutes later, needs met, play resumed.
Remember when I mentioned they had left their electronics behind while they played?
Well, some aspects simply cross over . . .


  1. Wow ... it's amazing to me, the divide between those born before computers became a household item, and those born after. Our kids remember the landmark arrival of our computer and its wonders, and they are one of the last cohort who will. Your post today reminds me of something my mom saw in a waiting room - a toddler trying to "swipe" a magazine picture! She was clearly used to swiping the screen of someone's electronic device.

    By the way, that is the sweetest photo. How could it be any cuter?!

    1. I caught my daughter doing the same thing to a cereal box!
      I love that picture. Two little inseparable cousins fresh from the face painter.

  2. Another truly lovely story. How nice that the game could be paused.
    Smiling at the toddler 'swiping' the magazine picture. But sad too. Books and magazines have a magic of their own. A magic I fear is dissapating...

    1. They are so cute!
      I love the feel of a book or magazine in my hands. Nothing can replace it!

  3. Adorable! How fun that they play together so well. I remember "ice skating" in the living room with my cousins when they came to visit. Sadly, we lived on opposite sides of the country, so we didn't get to practice our Dorothy Hamill skills very often!

    1. Ice skating! I'll have to pass that activity along . . .

  4. Pause the game! That made me laugh. I love the cute little kitty cat faces. Sweetest kitties ever!

  5. "Pause the game" - I think she coined a new phrase!


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