Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Third Time Lucky

After the pancakes.
Our children learn from what they see. 
And hear.
Most of the time, it's a good thing.
Occasionally, it's not. Sometimes, it's just plain fun . . .
My husby, Grant, had our twenty-month-old son, Mark, in the highchair.
Eating pancakes.
Mark's very favourite.
I was across the room, nursing our two-month-old son, Erik.
All was well.
Everyone was happy.
Then Husby decided to take advantage of Mark's utter absorption in forking pieces of pancake into his mouth and make a quick trip to the euphemism (real word – look it up!).
For a few minutes, Mark was happily engaged. Then, the pancakes ran out.
I looked over at him.
He was waving his little fork in the air.“Daddy!”
No response.
Still no response.
Mark changed tactics.
“Da . . . Gwant!”
Faint sounds from the euphem . . . okay, the bathroom.
Not enough to satisfy Mark, however.
By the way, how did he even know his father's name?
I always called him . . .
Now there were definitely sounds emanating (good word) from the bathroom.
Mark had gotten a reaction. With twenty-month-old persistence, he was going to pursue it.
More laughter. But definitely getting louder.
His father emerged, still chuckling.
“What is it, son?”
“Mo' pancake, Ho-ney!”
We had created a monster.


  1. I'm laughing my head off here. That is so cute and so very clever.

  2. Cute, clever, and no doubt the sign of things to come...

  3. Hilarious! And yes scarey that kids do learn so fast from their surroundings. Thanks for the chuckle, Diane :)

  4. Just echoing everyone else - cute, clever and hilarious! Kids are such little sponges!

  5. Kids are born comedians. Then life tries its best to beat it out of them.


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