Sunday, December 27, 2015

Booger Man

The boy.
No, that isn't the right finger, either...
In our house, over the holidays, love and good will abound.
And so does the food.
And the treats.
Especially the chocolate.
With, sometimes, amusing results . . .
A group of us adults were sitting around the table, intent on a game of cards.
Members of the younger set were dashing in and out, equally intent on activities.
And treats.
We had just opened a new box of exotic chocolates.
A gift from our dear next-door neighbours.
Five different kinds of luscious, melt-able deliciousness, each in a different (intriguing) shape.
Chocolate mousse.
Crème Broulee.
And pistachio.
Each more mouth-watering than the last.
Our five-year-old discovered the box and immediately seized it.
“What’s this?!” he said, holding it up.
“Chocolates!” I said. “Really yummy ones!”
“Oooh! What’s this one?!” He jabbed a finger into the chocolate mousse.
“That’s dark chocolate.”
“And this?” Another jab.
“Hey!” his dad said, taking the box. “Don’t touch all of the chocolates with your booger-covered finger!”
Da-ad!” he said, disgusted. “That’s not my booger finger!” He held up his other hand, pointer finger erect. “That one is!”
At least he was honest . . .


  1. Smart kid! His statement ensured that he would get the whole box.

  2. Eeek ... speaking of exotic flavours ...

  3. A precise child. My right hand doesn't know what the left is doing, without getting down to individual fingers...

  4. Well, thank goodness it wasn't the booger finger!
    But, which finger was it? Finger-painting finger?

  5. hahaha! That's pretty funny...unless you were eating the chocolates I suppose. Kids can come out with the funniest things. I was thrilled to finally get "mamaw" out of my grandson the other day! I was thrilled and of course we had to celebrate with ice cream!


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