Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Decidedly Different Decorating

Wraith - His usual location
We are a theatrical family.
And by that, I mean that we are deeply involved in theatre.
Not that we are prone to theatrics in the home.
That would just be silly . . .
The Tolleys are known for things like – bursting into song spontaneously.
And everyone knowing the words.
Launching into long quotes at the mention of a single phrase.
Dressing up.
Our family was, quite literally, raised on the stage.
To anyone not so inclined, we're weird.
We do weird things.
We direct/perform in/produce plays.
We host Medieval feasts for no reason.
We dress up on a theme and invite the neighbourhood to come in and eat pie to celebrate . . . whatever.
To our neighbours, we are that family who doesn't do anything normally.
Even our Christmas decorating is a bit . . . I'm going to go with the PC term and call it . . . different.
We don't do lights.
We did, but we've gotten lazy.
Now our Christmas decorating consists of our Halloween decorating, plus a small addition.
I know. Weird.
Wraith at Christmas
And, yes, that's a Humbug hat.
Don't ask . . .
Years ago, for her graduating project, our youngest daughter sculpted a wraith.
You heard correctly.
A wraith.
Nine feet tall and rather spooky looking.
We love it.
It comes out of our back yard every Halloween and is prominently displayed next to the front door.
Where it can scare the cookies out of the little 'trick-or-treaters'.
And where it usually freezes so solidly to the grass that it must remain through Christmas and into the spring thaw.
How do you hide a nine-foot-tall behemoth?
In plain sight.
You can see what I mean.
Yep. Christmas at the Tolleys.
Everyone welcome!


  1. Yes, I knew this would be an interesting post. I knew it. I really want to move in with your family.

  2. I love weird!
    And really, you could make a case for that Wraith being your version of an outdoor Elf on the Shelf.

  3. Love him - and your inclusive and welcoming attitude. Too many people suffer from wraith prejudice and phobia..

  4. He's really cool. As are you and your family. Wish I was one of your neighbors!

  5. It would be so fun to be your neighbor I should think!

  6. your wraith needs some fairy lights!


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