Friday, February 5, 2016

On Cow Watch

Don’t ask me how he got it,
(I don’t know anyway!)
But Ol’ Jones owned a golden watch,
‘Twas with him every day.

Then, one sad day, he lost it,
Out, somewhere in the plain.
Mid grazing cows and antelope,
And miles of golden grain.

For hours his household searched there,
(It was that dear, you see),
But none could catch one glint of gold,
Though days were spent on knees.

The watch was not recovered,
And years would pass away,
At times, Ol’ Jones still pondered hard
‘Bout where it went that day.

Then, one day, took to market,
A grand old ‘herbivore’,
It was her time, the poor old dear,
To serve the carnivores.

The butcher soon discovered,
(With meat before him spread),
A glint of gold in the old girl’s gut,
(She’d clearly been well fed.)

The watch had been discovered,
And this I must admit,
Restored to the old farmer there,
When it’d be cleaned a bit.

Now the part that’s hard to ‘swallow’,
Is this part coming now . . .
For the golden watch was running true!
After years inside the cow.

Now how could this one object,
So miraculously found,
Survived the years down deep inside,
While keeping itself wound?

The experts speculated,
With their investigations done.
That the churning of the stomach there,
Had made the gold watch run.

Well now you’ve heard the story,
As my dad told it to me,
Of farmer, cow and running watch,
Do you, like me, believe?


  1. I believe every story you tell, even if this one is second hand (get it? watch? hand? never mind).

  2. The unbelievable part to me is that the watch was returned to its owner...

  3. Do I believe?

    Wellllll ... what I believe is that SOMEBODY may have altered a tiny detail to make the story better. Not saying who. *cough Your Dad? cough*

  4. Do I believe.....? It doesn't matter--I just love the story!!!


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