Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Poo-gestion Prevention

Okay, this is as gritty as I get . . .
We were having dinner with our good friends.
Lots of talk. Tons of laughter.
And some eating fit in there somewhere.
You know the drill . . .
The talk turned from our kids (our favourite topic) to dogs.
Another favourite.
Our friend, I’ll call her Tammy, mentioned with a shudder, that their miniature schnauzer (hereinafter known as Ruby), sometimes would . . . umm . . . eat those droppings she should have left far behind.
Yes, this was during dinner – now you know why there was more talk and laughter than eating.
Moving on . . .
Tammy had read, recently, that this usually indicated a lack of potassium.
And that the best treatment was to feed her dog a bit of banana.
Did you know that dogs like banana?
Well they do.
Ruby snapped it up like manna from heaven.
And the . . . umm . . . unfortunate tendency . . . disappeared.
Tammy’s husby - I’ll call him Gord - spoke up.
“You know,” he said. “I knew it would work!”
We all looked at him.
“Yeah. I’ve been eating bananas forever . . .”
We waited for the punch line.
“. . . and I’ve never once been tempted to eat my droppings!”
Banana. Tasty prevent-er of so many things . . .


  1. Timely post LOL. One of our rescues WAITS to eat the other's droppings. It has been suggested that we put hot sauce on them but we pick it up every day and it wouldn't save any time. It's a matter of getting outside 'just in the nick of time' before they have a chance. But I am going to try the banana. THANKS

  2. This is one of the posts I love because it has news I can send to a friend who has a dog who eats ... droppings. Of course, I also eat bananas so this isn't a problem for ME! Just saying.

  3. This is a fascinating bit of information - and FUNNY!

  4. Big smiles. I have to ask though. Does your guru have a solution to cats eating their own (and other cat's) puke?

  5. Bananas; so good in so many ways :D
    I'm making banana cake today..

  6. I had a pug that used to do that and eat the cords off of every TV and appliance she could get her teeth into. I gave her to my niece as a gift! She was so thankful!


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