Friday, March 25, 2016

The Idiot Sundae

This . . .

Plus this . . .

Plus this . . .

Plus this . . .

And finally, this.
Dad loved telling this story. Of his first day as a father . . .
He had just left his newborn daughter and her mother sleeping happily at the hospital.
The newly-minted father stepped out into the sunshine and grinned.
He needed to celebrate.
He stood there for a moment.
Then it hit him. What better way to celebrate then with a dish of ice cream at the Spudnut Shop?
Soon he was standing in the familiar café, studying the menu on the wall.
Hmm . . . he’d always wanted to try the Idiot Sundae.
He took a deep breath and grinned.
He stepped to the counter and placed his order.
“Just take a seat, sir,” the soda jerk said. “We’ll bring it right out.”
He did.
And they did.
Now I should probably mention, here, that the Idiot Sundae was a concoction of twenty large scoops of various flavours of ice cream. With all of the fixings.
All. Of. The. Fixings.
And one spoon.
The . . . platter . . . was brought out.
And slid carefully onto the table in front of him.
Another grin as he picked up the spoon.
And started working his way through the melting mound of deliciousness.
He did well.
One scoop after another disappeared.
Finally, there were only three scoops left.
He stared at them.
Three scoops.
He groaned.
He dropped the spoon in defeat.
So close.
So very close.
And today, almost 65 years later, he remembers those three scoops left melting in the dish.
And wonders.
Was he an idiot for leaving them?
Or just an idiot for ordering in the first place.
You decide . . .


  1. I say it was well worth the try, especially considering he's still thinking about it.
    When I was growing up, every now and then for dinner my mom, my sister and I would go get a huge Banana Split and 3 spoons. I'm still thinking of that too, with a big smile.

  2. Beats a "new Dad" cigar HANDS DOWN!!

    Twenty scoops, though ... that's a whole lot of ice cream. Plus fixings. Whew.

  3. Loved the melting scoop story:) Happy Easter Diane! xx Abby

  4. There's nothing like feeling you've been bested by three scoops of ice cream. I bet the other 17 scoops were amazing!

    Twitter: @KnottyMarie
    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  5. A valiant effort. And a wise decision to walk away.
    Sadly three scoops of icecream wouldn't defeat me. Which explains my ever expanding girth.

  6. One good burp and he probably could have drank down the three melted scoops.

  7. What a cute story! It sounds like something my husband would do.


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