Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Round Tuit

When a man says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
There’s no reason to remind him every six months or so.
My son is a great husband and father. Hard-working. Attentive.
He doesn't always get to things right away.
But he does get to them . . .
His wife had taken a package of pork chops out of the freezer and set them to thaw in the fridge to prepare for dinner.
Plans changed.
The chops were shoved toward the back.
One morning, she opened the door and a slight ‘off’ odour wafted out.
The pork chops had ripened.
It wasn't a good thing.
She asked her husby to take the package out to the compost.
He agreed to do so.
Two days later, the chops were still there.
And the smell was getting stronger.
Finally, tired of waiting, she grabbed the package and marched it out herself.
Muttering imprecations under her breath.
Okay, that’s how I imagine it . . .
Then she got out a fresh package of chops and put them in the fridge to prepare for dinner.
Déjà vu.
As dinner approached, she went to the fridge to retrieve the package.
It was gone.
Puzzled, she looked again through the fridge.
No chops.
And no one else in the house knew anything about them.
Finally, she called her husby at work.
“Did you touch those chops I had in the fridge?”
“You told me to take them out. So I did.”
Yep. He doesn't always get around to it on your time line.
But he does get it done.


  1. We used to have a round tuit on our fridge as well. These days when I ask my guy to do something for me, and if I happen to put a timeframe on it he always comes back with "Woman, don't pressure me!"

    #AtoZChallenge E is for Elle

  2. At least he did it without further reminder!

  3. Tiny lack of communication there. and a bit odd that he didn't notice the lack of odour from the new chops.

  4. Oh no! That sounds like something my husband would do!

  5. This could totally be my husband. I asked him to replace a light bulb three weeks ago. It's still dark.

  6. Ooops. "I'll do it ... in my own time". Favourite line of my husband.

  7. Ha ha... This sort of sounds familiar.


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