Thursday, July 28, 2016

Books in the Pants

You have your solutions.
Best Friend (hereinafter known as BF) has hers . . .
BF likes books.
And/or music.
Both of which she has downloaded to her iPad.
Good so far.
She also has household chores and duties.
Which take little or no actual—you know—thinking.
The one could definitely go with the other.
How to combine the two—books/tunes, together with mindless household chores.
Hmmm . . .
I should mention, here, that BF is also frugal.
Yes, there are other gadgets she could purchase.
But they cost.
Back to her dilemma.
Wait! She has pants! And a trusty little set of plug-in headphones!
Slip the ol’ iPad into the front of said pants, plug in the headphones and voila! Instant holder/deliverer of words/music.
Okay, yes, it looked a little funny.
And one or two people who called at the house notably had to keep their eyes from below her belt line.
But that was all to the good anyways . . .
Happily, this went on for some time.
Well, happily for her.
Her Husby was—less than enthusiastic. 
Finally, in an attempt to curb iPad-in-the-pants-itis (real term) he bought her a set of cordless headphones.
Now books and/or tunes get listened to.
And no one is walking around with a large square stuck in the front of their jodhpurs. 
It’s a good thing.
P.S. Could it have been called a 'Chastity Pad'? Just wondering . . .


  1. Ingenuity is definitely underrated :)

  2. Here I just let the household chores wait. They aren't going to go away without me...


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