Saturday, July 9, 2016

Breakfast and a Show

Ever helpful and concerned.
Kids can make eating out such an . . . adventure.
It was the early fifties.
Mom and Dad were vacationing in Montana with their three small children.
As they drove past the Deer Lodge prison, Dad tried to explain to four-year old Chris and two-year-old Jerry just what it was. He told them that when people were bad, the police would lock them up in the big building for punishment.
The original ‘time-out’.
He wasn’t sure just how much of his explanation his two oldest children took in.
The next morning, he had his answer.
The family had stopped nearby for breakfast. While they were eating, a deputy sheriff came in for coffee, then proceeded to tell the waiter about his exciting evening: 
One very intoxicated individual had been disruptive at a local dance and the deputy took the man to the local jail to sober up. There were no charges to be laid, so all that remained was to get the fellow up and send him home.
Throughout this story, Chris and Jerry were busily eating, not seeming to pay attention to the tale.
Finally, the man stood up and said, “Well, I guess I’d better go down and get my boy out of jail!”
Chris looked at her parents wide-eyed and very concerned. “That man’s little boy is down there in that big jail!” she said loudly.
To the amusement of the entire restaurant.


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