Saturday, July 23, 2016

Life. Lived.

No electricity.
No running water.
No comforts of home.
No home.
So why do we drag ourselves off to the great Canadian woods for weeks every summer?
Why do we leave behind our creature comforts for the rustic ‘pleasures’ of the grand outdoors?
Plenty of fresh, pine-stuffed air.
Call of the birds through the trees.
Scamper of the squirrels, ditto.
Children playing ‘Kick the Can’ or Capture the Flag’.
Or laughing as they run along the sandy beach of the land-locked and pristine lake.
Warm, crackling, comfortable fire.
Talk and laughter.
Smoky meals.
More talk as the light fades and the stars come out.
Snap of cards by the light of the Coleman lantern.
No appointments.
No pressures.
No hurry.
Just life.
Grandson's picture of a butterfly. Yeah, I can't see it either. But I'm quite sure it's there...
View from my bedroom window.
Cozy little campsite, all wrapped up and ready for anything.
Great Man of the Mountain. Relaxing by the first fire.

Games with Grandpa.


  1. Wilderness can be so invigorating, you get home refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

  2. It's good to go wild for awhile :)

  3. Camping can always be fun. I well remember our family of six and the tent trailer. Then years later, my family of two and the 27 foot camper. Roughing it was so much fun(?) by then; plug in the electric blanket and sleep like a---teenager (Who are you trying to kid? Babies don't sleep!). Fresh java in the morning from the electric perk. Well if the decision was up to me back then, I'd have taken the tent. Nothing like breakfast over the Coleman stove and the morning 'Joe' from the perk on the grill above the fire.


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