Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I've spent the weekend with my Berg cousins and their families.
We had a glorious time.
Catching up.
Swapping stories.
Just a tiny bit of Heaven on earth.
The next few days may or may not feature some of those stories . . .

Friends are important.
They provide words of encouragement when you most need it.
Suffer along with you during dark times.
Laugh when events call for it.
Sometimes all at once.
Umm . . . maybe I should explain . . .
That exciting time when cowpokes and horses are pushing herds of cows from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’.
If this was a math equation it would be something like: If eight cowpokes on eight horses were pushing 400 head of cows from pasture A to pasture B, how many opportunities would there be for accidents/hi-jinks?
Answer: Yes.
Roy and his crew were pushing cows along their usual route.
A route which included at least 1 (one) muddy-watered, swiftly-moving river.
All sorts of things can happen in a river.
It’s wet. And muddy.
And did I mention swiftly-moving?
Fortunately, most of the cattle had crossed safely.
Then there was that 1 (one).
Who foundered. (ie. Stopped going across and started going down.)
One of the hands roped her and, together with said rope and strong language, towed her to safety on the far side.
This is where Roy stepped in.
Because he . . . stepped in. And loosened the lasso off of the animal.
I should probably mention here that cows aren’t noted for their brains.
But are noted for their sharp and pointy horns.
Did she get to her feet and kiss and profusely thank her rescuers?
Ummm . . . no.
Instead, she lowered her head, sighted on the nearest two-footed person (ie. Roy) and proceeded toward him.
At a run.
In an instant, Roy was high-stepping just ahead of those horns.
Now, remember where I mentioned friends at the beginning of this story?
And how they are always there for you?
That applies here.
Because as Roy was hot-footing it around trees and across muddy river banks and shouting for help in several languages, his friends were right there for him.
Friends. Those people who are yours just when you need it the most.


  1. Yes, this story is a perfect reminder that friends are always there to laugh with us . . . and at us.

  2. If you can't laugh at yourself...
    Call me! I'll laugh at you!

  3. Love it. And have a friend or two like that myself. And probably am a friend like that some days.

  4. And here I thought you were going to say one of his friends scooped him up, away from the horns ... shoulda known better, shouldn't I :)

  5. That story will get told again and again, it is a great story. Yeah friends!

    1. What would the world be without them, right, Haralee?


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