Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Brain Cell

My cell phone’s a necessity,
Without it, I just can’t be me!
My e-lec-tron-ic brain, oh, yes.
And so much more, I do confess.

No cell? The time—I would not know,
Couldn’t Google Map the way to go,
Be forced to grade six math so I,
Could add, subtract and multiply.

I couldn’t call a single friend,
(‘Cause I ‘select’ and then hit ‘send’.)
I would not even know the date,
For all appointments, I’d be late.

Go back to being ignorant
(Without Google, data’s scant.)
Could not take those wond’rous pics,
With which, my family, I transfix.

I couldn’t text, could not emote,
I couldn’t bake or sew or vote.
And don’t forget that cell phone spark
That keeps you walking in the dark.

For forty years, I did without,
I found my way, I did not doubt,
What do I miss with my long rant?
Being lost, alone and ignorant!

Each month, Karen of Baking in a Tornado issues a Poetry Challenge.
This month's topic?
Weird and Whacky
What did you think of my attempt?

Want some more?
Here are the others . . .
Karen of Baking In A Tornado:
Sarah of Not That Sarah Michelle:
Dawn at Spatulas On Parade: Candice at Measurements of Merriment:
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles:


  1. Great poem! Love how you went a different direction with the theme. :)

    1. That's me. Taking a different direction than anyone else . . . :)

  2. As always, Diane, I read your posts with a smile. I have to admit I have no idea how I managed for all those years without my cell too!

  3. I still don't have a magic phone. I'm still alive!

    Your poetic ability astounds me.

  4. That was great! I feel the same way, WHAT did we do before cell phones? Gee, I think we lived more, talked more, visited more...I guess we had more.

  5. What fun.
    My mobile (cell) phone spends most of its life turned off.

  6. I love your effort :D, at the same time being rather glad my phone lives most of its life tucked into a corner of my couch.


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