Saturday, August 27, 2016

Washed and Red

In Canada, we have SEASONS.
I emphasize the word because some of them are extreme.
Particularly our winter.
But during the shoulder seasons (Spring and Fall), it isn’t unusual to see four different kinds of weather in one day.
We can go from sun to rain to snow to hail. All during one lunch hour.
There is a saying: If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.
I have a reason for telling you this.
All this weather is hard on vehicles.
Those trusty steeds that must weather . . . the weather.
They get—for want of a better term—filthy.
Okay, yes, we have car washes.
A plethora (Ooh! Good word!) of them.
And, for the few minutes of every sunny day, they are CROWDED.
But one has to be ready and able to head to the nearest car wash at a moment’s notice.
People with children and schedules may wait months to get a place in line.
Enough background . . .
DIL had taken her children to the library to sled down the library hill with their father.
And, as the day was sunny, took the opportunity to get into line for the car wash.
She returned some time later to pick up her breathless and weary, but exhilarated family.
She bundled up her smallest daughter and packed her to the car.
As they approached, her daughter asked, loudly, “Where is our car?”
Her mother pointed to the shiny red beauty in front of them. “Here it is.”
Her daughter looked at it, then at her mother. “Our car is red?!”
Yeah. Wash your cars.
You may be surprised at what you find...


  1. That's hilarious...poor little toad had never seen their car clean.

  2. My red car is looking a little brown. I live in LA so the seasons all sort of look the same. I'd love to visit Alberta. Sounds gorgeous!

  3. Shoulder seasons. I never heard that term before. Fun post!

  4. That's a funny story. "Are car is red?" I will remember that each time my chocolate-colored car turns gray with dust.

  5. Sooooo familiar. Big smiles. And thank you.

  6. Too funny! We had a white car once - never again!


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