Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Very Good Ship

Where memories are made...
It was just a routine trip to the local recreation centre.
Something we did often when our kids were small.
Who knew it would result in someone’s fondest memory . . .?
With six children and one income, Husby and I had to choose our family entertainment carefully.
We went to a lot of free things.
We did manage Adventure Food (any nationality other than Canadian) once a month. And for our big splurge, we bought an attractions pass. A valuable little tool that gave us admittance to any of Edmonton’s many parks and attractions as well as every one of the numerous swimming pools.
We went swimming every Saturday night.
That way, they were all entertained, played out, and bathed and clean for Sunday morning.
Yeah. I’m just clever that way . . .
Earlier one Saturday afternoon, we changed things up a bit and took the clan to the Kinsmen Recreation Centre instead of our usual Millwoods Wave Pool.
The kids were excited at the prospect of a new pool.
And their Dad and I were excited to have them excited.
Let me describe the swimming part of the centre as it looked then: There was the large tank, with swimming lanes, for the serious swimmer. The diving tank for the serious diver. (Note: this pool has been used for competition diving as well as for shooting movies. Interesting, right?) The warm-up tank--also used for lane swimming and family groups and toys. And the smallest tank. Shallow. Warm. For families with young children.
Our family instantly separated into three pools.
Husby had the youngest in the ‘baby’ pool, I had our middle two in the middle pool, and the two eldest disappeared to try out the diving boards.
The middle tank was the most interesting to me. It had large floating toys perfect for family fun.
I had my son in a ‘coracle’ (a small, circular boat) and was pushing him around.
And singing.
Because that’s what I do.
Did you know there’s a song for nearly every activity?
Well, it’s true.
In this case, the music of choice was “The Good Ship Lollipop”.
We swam/floated back and forth for much of the afternoon. He lying relaxed in the little boat. Me, pushing and singing.
Then we fished everyone out, showered them off and headed home.
It had been a pleasant afternoon, one that I was to tuck away with my memories of other pleasant afternoons.
Move forward nearly thirty years . . .
Husby and I were visiting with our middle son at his home on Vancouver Island. During our stay, we started telling stories.
And talking about favourite memories.
Our son told us his favourite memory of growing up was one day when we went to the Kinsmen pool and I sang ‘On the Good Ship Lollipop’ to him while I floated his little boat back and forth in the water.
His favourite memory.
I guess I need to remember that when we think we are providing simple entertainment for our children, we are also making memories.
And one of those memories is going to be their favourite.


  1. You are so right, Diane. I'm surprised at the things my kids remember too. That was smart thinking, by the way - swimming on Friday, clean for Sunday :)

  2. that was lovely Diane - it's so nice when you have a win like that (and one you didn't even know was coming) I also love the fun/tiring/cleaning combination for a Saturday afternoon/evening!

  3. This is a lovely trip down memory lane.
    Now you've got me wondering what any of my kids favourite memories might be.


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