Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Visit

I’m a believer . . .
My mom was a wonderful person. A hard worker. Kind and caring. Supportive. Encouraging.
But Mom had a trait that she struggled with her whole life.
She was a world-class worrier.
She worried over debt and income and other things.
But mostly, she worried about her family. Especially her kids and grandkids.
She worried so much that she made herself sick.
A sickness that, fourteen years ago, took her life.
I’m like my mother in a lot of ways. Good ways, I hope.
And, though I’m not nearly in her class when it comes to worrying, I do have that tendency.
And that brings me to what happened the other night . . .
Some of my children are struggling. The downturn in the economy has cost many in our area their jobs and our family is not immune.
The stresses of job-hunting as well as keeping a family going with little or no income are taking their toll.
And I’ve been worrying.
Earlier this week, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, sunk in despair.
And then a scent drifted over me.
A scent I haven’t smelled in years.
My mother’s favourite perfume.
Now, you have to know that I do not wear perfume. And that particular scent hasn’t been sold in forever.
I knew it was my mother.
Worried about me still and doing what she could to make things better.
She succeeded.
Thank you, Mom.
I miss you.


  1. I'm so glad you received comfort, Diane. Hope things start looking up for your loved ones soon. P. S. Your mom was beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! They will. I have faith! And thank you again. I agree! :)

  2. This is a lovely post. EXCEPT, that as a world class worrier you have me worried that I will carry it past the grave. Thanks for a new worry.
    And as an aside, if I knew where my worry button was, I would disconnect it. Permanently.
    I hope your family troubles end soon.

    1. Uh-oh! Sorry about that! I always think of a character called 'Data' in Star Trek. An android who could turn of his fear chip. I wish I could turn off my worry chip!
      And thank you for your good wishes! :)

  3. How wonderful that she could bring you some comfort...and perhaps...a reminder not to worry too much. Cast your cares my dear....cast your cares.

  4. I believe she came to you! I've read other cases that report "scent." What a comfort and a blessing. I used to be a world class worrier--like my mother--but when my husband died, unexpectedly on Christmas Day, I realized I'd been worrying about all the wrong things. The only good thing to come out of his death is I'm nowhere near the worrier I used to be. Wishing you calm waters and problems solved. Brenda

    1. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so sorry about your husband! And yes. It certainly brings things into perspective. Thank you so much for your good wishes, Brenda!

  5. There's another skill your mum had - perfect timing. Coming to visit just when you needed her most.

  6. that's lovely - but I am sorry for the struggles your kids are dealing with. It's so hard to not worry about them - it's part of a mother's heart isn't it?


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