Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Does a Bear **** in the Woods?

You see a fence post. We see . . . 
Okay, I’m apologizing up front for this story.
It’s . . . gritty. So to speak.
Ahem . . .
I’ve always wondered about toilet paper ads.
Softer. Stronger. More effective.
I mean, why advertise this stuff?
Are there people who are not buying it?
Actually . . . yes.
Think of the people who live in places where dropping over to the local grocery store is really not a possibility. Like those in the deepest, darkest part of the jungle.
And their banana leaves.
Okay, I understand. Soft. Strong. Effective.
Now think of the cowboys on the wide, wide prairie.
Where there are no trees at all and leaves simply aren’t an option.
What are they going to do when nature . . . hollers?
Case in point . . .
Dad was out with his dad doing . . . cowboy stuff. Fencing and exploring the joys of barbed wire.
They were far from the ranch house and even farther from the miracle of indoor plumbing and its accoutrements.
Grandpa had to go.
You know what I mean.
He turned to Dad. “I’ll be right back,” he said.
Dad nodded and continued with what he was doing.
Grandpa set down his fencing pliers and pulled out his pocket knife.
Dad stared at him, confused. Didn’t he just say . . .?
Grandpa walked over to one of the cedar fence posts and, using said knife, shaved off several pieces of wood.
Then he smiled at Dad and disappeared over the nearest hill.
Can anyone say ‘ouch’?


  1. Gak! Oh, my goodness! lol I KNEW there was a reason I don't live out in the wilderness. This was a good chuckle for my afternoon. Thanks!

  2. Brings new meaning to the expression "roughing it". Ow ow ow!

  3. Sheesh....could he not carry a few rolls of paper towel in his saddle bags.

  4. OUCH! and ouch, ouch, ouch.
    Boy those old timers were a tough breed.
    And I agree with Delores up there, carry a roll or two in a saddle bag.

  5. At least there was no fear of using poison ivy leaves in this case ...

    1. Hmmm. You have a point. The only advantage to living where nothing grows!


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