Monday, November 14, 2016

Tummy Yummies

Mom was right about the cake . . .
My Baby Sister, aged two, had crawled up on my Mom’s lap.
It was cuddling time.
I should probably mention that this didn’t happen often.
Cuddling, I mean.
Oh, not because Mom didn’t wish it.
It was because we couldn’t get Baby Sister to slow down long enough to stay in one place.
She was one of those children who are always as bit blurry around the edges.
Because they are moving so fast.
Where was I?
Oh, yes.
Cuddling time.
Mom held her close.
Then counted her tiny, pink toes.
And all of her fingers.
And finally poked her round little tummy.
“What’s in there?” she asked.
Baby Sister looked at her and shrugged.
“Are there yummy things in there?”
Baby Sister looked at her tummy, lifting her little dress to see better. Then she looked back at Mom.
Mom went on. “Maybe there’s some cake and ice cream.”
Baby Sister’s eyes got wide.
“And some cookies. Maybe some pie and candy and pudding.”
With each new treat mentioned, Baby Sister’s blue eyes got wider and wider.
“And chocolate.”
Baby Sister could stand it no longer.
She pulled her dress up as far as she could. “Open it!” she said, pointing to her tummy. “Open it, Mommy!”
Enough talk. Let's get to the good stuff . . .


  1. Such a sweet memory. Thank you for sharing.

  2. "blurry around the edges" - I love that, Diane!

    1. Doesn't it just describe some of the youngsters in your life? We times one of my granddaughters. She held still for nearly three seconds!

  3. Too cute! What a lovely memory. It is funny when kids think things literally!

    1. And make such great stories fifty years later . . . :)

  4. Who knew all that good stuff was in there.

  5. Grinning from ear to ear here, so sweet and funny is the logic of a two year old.

    1. The world needs more two-year-old logic. Especially now...


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