Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Tears

Christmas came a little early to my house this year.
First, a little background:
My DIL, Jess, is a fantastic artist.
A world class artist.
In my opinion, she could earn a living as an illustrator.
She, however, prefers small jobs and drawing for personal satisfaction.
In this instance, I am totally in agreement.
Because last night, she gave me my Christmas present.
And blew me away.
I had asked her to do a picture of Husby and me some time ago and she just smiled her little smile and said nothing.
This is why . . .
Look carefully. It's Husby, me and all the grandkids. By families. Perfect.
Just looking at it brings tears of joy.
And that is what Christmas is all about.


  1. No wonder it brought tears to your eyes, it's such a heartfelt gift. I know you will cherish it. Your DIL is amazingly talented.

  2. So beautiful! Your daughter in law is talented. A gift to treasure for always.

  3. Sweaty eyeballs here too.
    What an absolutely beautiful gift.

  4. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift! She IS talented; lucky you :)

  5. That's quite a Christmas present. Words could not really describe what you would feel getting something like that. Congratulations! Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

    1. And we who live by words . . .
      Thank you, Georgie! And Merry Christmas to you as well!


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