Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Giving, Wrapped

Little Wrapper Girl.
T’was giving that she liked to do,
Some things old. And some things new.
When neatly wrapped they all would be
A special gift for you. Or me.

She’d wrap most anything she found,
Items square. And items round.
That spoon there in your chocolate cup,
Then the cup too, to follow up.

Old toys and games. Knick-knacks, dishware,
That coat you’d flung across the chair.
Shoes and boots and mitts and hats,
Birdcage, bird and spitting cat.

All were grist to her wrapping mill,
All were wrapped, and would be, still,
Except the part I now speak of,
The giving them to those she loved.

‘Cause wrapping merely was the start,
Of giving. From a child’s warm heart.
Of watching as she did bestow,
And waiting for that happy glow.

She’s older now, and I am too.
We’ve kids and grandkids. Much ado.
But memories I just can’t escape,
Of a little girl, with wrap and tape.

Once a month, Karen of Baking in a Tornado gives each of our little writing group a challenge to produce a poem based on a theme.
December's? Giving. How apt for the season!

Hop on over and see what the others have done:

Karen of Baking In A Tornado. The Essence of Giving
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade. Tis’ the Season for Giving
Lydia of Cluttered Genius. Giving...and more giving


  1. Sweet and funny all wrapped (get it?) up in one poem! As always, loved this one.

    1. Thank you! Wrapping sweet and funny is my main goal in life. Yay!

  2. You are so talented Diane! I love this as usual you hit it out of the park!

  3. LOVED THIS DIANE! I could read this over and over, so fun to say and beautiful meaning. What a gift for language you have. Love that prompt turned into a poem idea.

  4. Ahh, but is she still the wrapping queen? And if so, please sent her this way.

    1. She can still wrap. I guess it's a skill she was just born with. The gene missed me entirely. But I can appreciate!

  5. I was thinking the same as EC!! Does she still enjoy wrapping?

    1. She does! Of course she is much better at it now . . .


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