Monday, December 26, 2016

Pajama Game 2016

We have a tradition in our home.

Well, several, actually.
But I'm only going to talk about this one . . .
Pajamas. On Christmas eve.
And spaghetti, but that is another story.
So . . . pajamas.
Every year, Mom hunts up the most distinctive pattern she can find and everyone is forced excited to wear it.
So, in honour of this very special time, here are a few examples from the past.
 Christmas, 2002.  And no, that isn't a cow print couch . . .
Christmas 2003. And yes, we do look like escaped prisoners.

2007.  Little jump, here.

2008 and our numbers are increasing.
You can't see the striped socks, but they're there!
2009. Things are changing radically . . .
2010. What a mob!
2011. Well, a small, but important sample.
2012. The year of the polka dot.

2013 The year of the Googly

2014 - also glowed in the dark.
2015. What can I say? Gingham.
And now for 2016.
Gramma and Grampa and a choice selection of Grands.
And PJ's. What do you think?

And look what my DIL made for me . . .

Isn't it gorgeous?! Fifteen, count 'em, fifteen years of Tolley Christmas Jammies. Every one since this sweet DIL joined our family. Perfect!
How was your Christmas?
Colourful and bright?
I do hope it was MERRY!
Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. I've been looking forward to the pj shot all December.

  2. What a lovely tradition - and shot.
    Yay you.

  3. I love the pajama tradition! Honestly thought it was a cow print couch thinking this family takes its' western roots very seriously!
    What a great DIL. How thoughtful and wonderful.

    1. I thought the same thing. Then . . . wait a second! We don't have a cowprint couch!
      Yeah. I think we'll keep her. :)

  4. Your pyjama tradition is fun and I love the pyjama quilt :)

  5. That is a lovely tradition (and a lot of work) ... and the quilt is a very thoughtful gift!

    1. And you have to know this is a non-sewing DIL. I was blown away by her hours (and hours) of work!

    2. Oh, wow! Even more impressive, I agree!

    3. Lovely. Especially the cow print. Long live family traditions.


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