Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Chocolate Conundrum

Okay, I admit it; I missed the prologue and all the chapters.
Coming in only at the yummy epilogue.
That doesn't seem to be sufficient.
Maybe I should explain . . .
Every year, at Christmastime, Mom made chocolates.
They were just as yummy as they sound.
Sweet little balls of deliciousness dipped in more deliciousness.
Could life get any better?
Mom would heat melting chocolate on the stove. Assemble long strips of waxed paper on all sides of the table. Seat several willing children at said table and beside described paper.
Arm those children with a toothpick a piece.
Bring out the great sheets of frozen little balls of fondant.
And let the adventure begin.
But here is where I admit I must have missed a few steps.
How did those little balls of sweet amazingness end up on the cookie sheets in the freezer?
I mean, I know Mom was magic, but did that apply here?
What did she do between the shopping (which I was often somewhat present for)?
And the dipping (which I never missed)?
There must have been some sort of assemblage which looked enough like work that Diane had disappeared.
The dipping I had down. Five dipped, one eaten. Or was it four dipped, one eaten? Three? Two?
Let’s just say: I was especially good/efficient at this step.
But the whole construction process?
Yep. I’ve got nothing.
The reason I am telling you this?
I’ve got my gallon of melted chocolate.
A cart load of waxed paper.
And a tree’s worth of toothpicks.
But, as hard as I look, sheets of little, round balls of fondant simply aren’t appearing in my freezer.
I’ve looked.
Several times.
Definitely missing something here.


  1. Lol - yep those mom's are magical that way. Cute story. I'm sure, all grown up now, that you've come up with little magic of your own since then.

  2. That's so funny because I'm actually working on my version of those today. We call them buckeyes and the inside is powder and peanut butter rolled into balls and then frozen. We then dip those into the chocolate. We made the balls on Sunday and today we do the chocolate. I'm sure my grandchildren will be very good at the eating part...not so much the toothpick part!

    1. Oooh! Those sound delicious! Peanut butter and chocolate? What could possibly go wrong?! :)

  3. Not to worry. Just dip marachino cherries and nuts into the chocolate. It will be almost as good as your moms.

  4. Damn. Your freezer must be faulty. Perhaps it's time to buy a new one?

    1. See? I KNEW it was the freezer! No one else would believe me!

  5. Haha...or should is say Ho Ho Ho! My Mom seemed to whip up pies and somehow I don't know the secret to her thing pie crust. She never wrote it down. I think "only slightly confused" has the best solution!

    1. These moms and their secrets. My mom left us with the knowledge of her uber delicious angel food cake topping. I know the first thing I'll ask her when I see her again . . .

  6. There are rather a lot of fairies I wish visited my house. And the chocolate fairy is one of them. She, and the clean sheets fairy would ALWAYS be welcome.

  7. Hee hee - despite our mom's best intentions, there are still things we have to learn once we're out on our own ... time to start googling, Diane :)

  8. I'm finding this very funny. Year after year of chocolatey deliciousness and you never once discovered how the fondant was made? Now that I think about it, my sister would have never bothered to find out either. She'd focus on the chocolate too. My own kids would have never let me get away with such a secret.

    1. Your sister and me. Kindred spirits. Let's get to the good stuff!

  9. My Mom had a walnut cake recipe that I wish so I had. It was the most wonderful cake. And how did her homemade applesauce turn red? Red hot candies? I'll never know how she worked her magic.

    1. Argh! As I was telling Ellen, my mom took her best recipes with her, too. Sigh.

  10. They aren't in my freezer either! Walnuts or pecans or both and mint chips and some coconut and pour? Good luck Diane.

    1. You must have the same faulty freezer I have. Grumble . . .


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