Friday, January 13, 2017


“And I found this to wear at the beach.” Norma held something up.
Now, I’m assuming, because she said she would be wearing it and the word ‘beach’ was used, that what she was holding would fall under the classification of ‘swimsuit’.
So much for assumptions.
The garment she was displaying so proudly was a mid-calf length dress made of some dark blue material with puffy sleeves and a huge sailor collar. I could see bloomers of the same material lying on the bed behind her.
“Norma—” I was almost afraid to ask, “—where did you get that?”
She laid it on the bed and smoothed the material fondly. “I found it in a trunk up in the attic. Don’t you think it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“Well . . .” Cutest? For a moment, I pictured puppies. Kittens. Baby seals. Even Reggie. “Umm—”
Norma made a face at me. “You’re just jealous because I got it before you could!”
I coughed. Politely. “Well—” I was trying to think of something positive to say. “You—umm—won’t get cold.”
She nodded happily. “It was a miracle I found it. I probably wouldn’t have if the trunk hadn’t tipped over just as I was crossing the floor. This little beauty simply fell out and—here we are! And it fits me!” She leaned toward me. “You know I never would have consented to our little beach vacation if I didn’t have this in my wardrobe.”
“You were going to turn Edith’s friends down?”
“You can’t expect me to stuff all of my parts into one of those skimpy things they call a ‘swimsuit’ can you? Think of the stories!”
I scratched my head and glanced at said parts. She did have a point. Even hidden under several layers of cloth, there certainly seemed to be a lot of them.
Norma looked up from her careful folding of the beach costume. “It was the oddest thing.”
“Well, I was downstairs, confiding to Reggie my hesitation in accepting this invitation from Edith and her friends. Then I heard a noise coming from upstairs. I thought it was you.”
“I’ve been downtown all morning.”
“Yeah. I forgot that. Anyways, I came up here to investigate and there was the trunk. And the suit.”
She nodded. “As soon as I saw it I knew I was meant to go swimming.”
I would have known as soon as I saw it that it was time for a rummage sale. But then Norma and I never have thought along the same channels.
“Oh and I brought your suitcase up for you to start packing. I put it—” she turned to point, just as the case she had been talking about suddenly tipped over.
I smiled. All at once the reason Norma ‘found’ her suit became clear. Someone was looking for a weekend alone.
I wonder if Elvis is coming over.

Once a month, Karen of Baking in a Tornado receives sets of words from her readers. Which she then passes on to her other readers.
The result is an often humorous, always entertaining exercise called Use Your Words.
My words this month? Beach ~ cold ~ stories ~ friends ~ miracle
They were submitted by Minette at Southern Belle Charm

Here are the links to Karen's other blog buddies:
Baking In A Tornado
Dinosaur Superhero Mommy
Spatulas on Parade
The Diary of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver
Sparkly Poetic Weirdo
Confessions of a part time working mom

The Bergham Chronicles
Southern Belle Charm 

See what they did with the challenge!

Have you bought your copy yet?

Daughter of Ishmael is now on sale as these fine outlets.
And all LDS Bookstores!
Check it out!


  1. very cute, loved it. I would so wear that to the beach rather than a swimsuit.

  2. And now I want to know about those plans . . . and whether they include Elvis!

  3. Such a good use of the words! I love those illustrations too.

    1. What every woman wishes she was wearing to the beach, right, Jenny?! Well, me at any rate!

  4. Me too! I love your stories Diane! Every single one of them.

    1. Thank you Rena!It's just my way of avoiding the real world! :)

  5. Love it. And the world would heave a sigh of relief if I adopted that swimwear.

  6. On a cold day like this, going to the beach and sharing stories with friends does sound like a miracle. Love the story.

  7. I wouldn't mind a swimsuit like that, but it would have to be lightweight so it wouldn't drag me under. Do they still make those?

  8. I'd rather go to the beach in sweat pants than a dress.
    Elvis - the one I think it is? The one who might be alive whose birthday was last week?

    1. That's the one. Apparently the sisters' roomie, the ghostly one, knows him. I wonder if she can set up a meeting?!


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