Monday, January 16, 2017


I think the Person who receives evening prayers must look forward to those being offered by the children.
You want to talk entertainment?!
Last night, following a day that included church attendance, swimming at West Edmonton Mall, the eating of assorted junk and the wind-down of puzzlemaking with family, five-year-old (hereinafter known as 5YO) disappeared into the bathroom to ‘take care of some business’.
She came out a few minutes later with a strange look on her face.
“What’s the matter?” her mother asked.
“It looked really strange,” 5YO said.
“Strange, how?”
There followed a short conversation of strange-appearances-from-the-past.
I’m editing because—yuck.
“But this was different,” 5YO said.
“Well next time you see something different, please tell me before you flush.”
5YO happily went back to puzzlemaking.
And the subject was, thankfully, dropped.
The evening wound down.
Bedtime approached.
Routines were adhered to, even though the day had been anything but normal.
Teeth brushed, hair braided, hands and face washed, pj’s donned, journal updated, story read, song—sung.
5YO was on her knees to say her evening prayer.
Now you have to know that this is often the highlight of the day for whoever is putting her to bed.
Usually momma.
The prayer rambled around for a while. Thank you for my mommy and daddy. Grampa and Gramma. Thank you for cousins and pets and toys.
Then the unexpected. “Please don’t let any more yellow stuff come out of me. Amen.”
Ummm . . .
All I’m saying is: I wouldn’t mind being on duty when those prayers start to arrive.
I’ve got my notebook.


  1. Adorable! A recital of prayers from the wee ones would be hysterical. Contact Ellen!

  2. Oh dear, we know 5YO's last prayer request won't be answered. There will be questions. :)

  3. Hee hee! Here's what you need to do, Diane - get 5YO's mama to TAPE those prayers ... and we'll sit back and wait for your notebook to relay the results :)

  4. I can't wait until the babies are old enough to start verbalizing their prayers! I can only imagine! Especially Izzy she's already the family drama queen!

  5. Children don't beat around, they go right to the need GOD BLESS THEM.

    1. Yep. Maybe we should take a page from their notebook. Instead of beating around the bush . . .

  6. Now that is a prayer that we could all echo...

  7. How sweet! I love the honesty of little children. Half the time they don't even realize how funny they really are!

  8. They know what's important don't they? And they know who is the most likely source of fixing it - it's a lesson we can learn from those little souls :)

  9. This is funny. My kids went through a week of technicolour 'stuff' each footy season for a couple of years when the local shops sold highly coloured huge lollipops in the colours of the teams. When year three rolled around, I banned the lollipops.


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