Thursday, January 26, 2017

Moving On Up

A room of her own...
Our youngest daughter and her family live with us.
They have been saving for a house and it seemed a logical--and rather elegant--solution.
We have enjoyed these days together, probably more so because we knew they wouldn’t last forever.
But now the house-hunting has started.
Now you have to realize that Youngest Daughter (hereinafter known as Mama) has been here since her first marriage crumbled. Her little girl (LG) was just past a year old and Mama needed the support as she went back to work.
Grandma got to spend her days with LG and routines continued unabated. (Ooh. Good word.)
But now, with a wonderful new husband and a desire to ‘add to their family’ (whatever that means…) they are getting serious about finding a place of their own.
There are certain things they would like in their new home. A garage is important so Mama can continue with her theatre carpentry at her own home.
Things like a kitchen, living room, basement are a given.
And bedrooms.
And this is where other members of their family make their wishes known.
LG has some particular demands. For one, she wants the master bedroom to be big enough that her little bed can be parked beside her mother’s. None of this ‘separate rooms’ nonsense.
Also, there must be a room for Grandma.
Soooo . . . at least two bedrooms.
Now we know what a real estate agent goes through.


  1. And Grandpa ends up where, exactly?

    1. We haven't worked that out yet. Maybe grandpa can have the little bed next to Gramma's! :) (When LG isn't in it!)

  2. I am assuming that Grandma's room also needs to be big enough for LG's bed. Even a toddler likes holidays...

    1. Exactly! You obviously understand. Do you want to be our real estate agent?! :)

  3. You are a loving and giving mom. Hope all their plans work out.

    1. Thanks so much, Beth. Everyone's getting pretty excited!

  4. "Anonymous" beat me to it ... what about Grandpa? because where Grandma goes, there goes Grandpa too, I bet ...

  5. I don't know why, but this reminds me of the scene in Miracle on Thirty Fourth Street where the little girl asks Santa for her dream house....

  6. That's sweet, a room for Grandma. I used to want to be a real estate agent, now I know better. I couldn't handle those headaches for sure.

  7. Definitly need a room for Grandma! I hope they find the perfect house.

  8. May need a third bedroom, depending on what exactly "adding to the family" turns out to mean. I think I might know . . .


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