Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Her man and she were getting on in years, I’m forced to say,
The two of them were speaking with a friend the other day,
Explained to him that they had problems with their memory,
And he said writing notes would help the wife and her Husby.

They decided they would try it out, and write things faithfully,
Improve communication ‘tween he and his Honeybee.
I’m here to say the trial could be labelled a success,
For though they spurned their friend’s advice, they were happy, nonetheless.

When sitting watching ‘telly’ Husby got up for ice cream,
Politely asked his wife if she would like to share the dream,
She said, “I’d like a bowlful, Dear. But you should write it down.”
He shook his head, “No I’ll remember. What am I, a clown?”

She shrugged and said she wanted toppings on her frozen treat.
Some whipped cream and a cherry, both, would make her bliss complete.
“And please, my dear,” she said again. “You’ve simply got to write.”
He said, “I think that I’m detecting just a note . . . of spite.”

And off he went, quite message-less, into the kitchen there.
And she heard fridge and cupboard doors as something was prepared.
When he’d spent some time, she thought, an inordinate amount,
At last returned. She looked at him. “What have you been about?”

He handed her a plate containing ham and scrambled eggs.
She stared at it, then up at him and calmly crossed her legs.
And reaching for the plate, she said, “Your mind’s a sieve, at most!”
“And, my dear, you’re getting old, ‘cause you forgot the toast!”

Each month, our good friend, Karen, gives us challenges to share.
And we sweat hard in our attempt to get from here to there.
Our theme this month was 'family' with 'friends' somewhere nearby.
So, tell me now, just what you think? Because, you know, I tried!

And here are the others:
Karen of Baking in a Tornado: Hugs and Kisses
Dawn of Spatulas on Parade: Friends and Family "How I love ya"
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Friends are family
Kristina Hammer of The Angrivated Mom: Influenced Insanity


  1. Great job, of course you're a pro! I have to make notes about everything these days! Then I promptly misplace it!

    1. That's me! Where's that stupid note! I KNOW I wrote it down!

  2. We always make notes...of course the problem here is mostly the hubs hearing. Yesterday our friend Wendy mentioned how cute the pictures of our grandbabies are and he said, "yes but we can use the rain". The two of us just dissolved in laughter. Poor old guy.

  3. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both. Although hysterical, this particular subject hits a bit too close to home!

  4. This one got chuckles from me. I'm wondering now how I'll know I'm forgetting things, with no one here to let me know except the cat, who won't care unless I forget his dinner.

    1. Hmmm . . . that is a problem. The cat needs to get more involved.

  5. I had eight rounds of chemotherapy 12 years ago, so "chemobrain," combined with aging, and I have to write things down just to remember my life! Brenda

    1. Ugh. We just don't need that kind of help (read:complication), do we!

  6. Here we are like Delores - hubby can't hear very well and the comments he throws out are pretty funny! You've done an excellent job of turning this into rhyme, Diane!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! Husby just got hearing aids. He wasn't enthusiastic. "Didn't need them." Now he runs back if he forgets them. Oh, how life has changed!


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