Monday, February 13, 2017

Toe Dancing

I love poetry.
The rhythm. The cadence. 
It's like dancing. With words.
Because of this love, I've decided to implement Poetry Monday.
The day when I get to rhyme. All the time.
To start things off, a poem dedicated to the person who gave me the love of words. 
My dad.
Enjoy . . .

When I was four, my dad adored, and followed him around,
The things he did (to this small kid) did fascinating sound.
From ‘doing chores’ and things outdoors, to office work. With pens.
Well, I’d appear, interest sincere, and lots of time to spend.

Our barn, it burned, all were concerned, that year that I turned four.
Soon things were bought and experts sought. A barn was built once more.
Then we ranch folk (in a masterstroke) with this new elbow room,
Thought we’d have fun, perhaps some sun would clear away the gloom.

We’d have a dance. Some wheel and prance, was what was needed now.
Our neighbours, too, would gloom eschew, and our new barn endow.
We hired a band who took command, and music did ensue,
We ate and twirled and stomped and whirled from hello through adieu.

I don’t recall that much at all, I do remember this:
My dad was there, in shined footwear, and nothing was amiss.
He took my hands and had me stand upon those shiny toes,
Then slowly lead (my fears all fled), and love for Daddy rose.

The days have passed, the years amassed, I don’t remember much,
Though far I gaze, that’s day’s a haze, of people, stuff and such.
I know they had both good and bad, some happiness and woes.
One thing that’s best above the rest. I danced on Daddy’s toes.

My friend Delores has made a suggestion. Would anyone else like to join in? I can include your URL here on my page. I'd love to have you with me!The rules are simple. Poetry. Any type. Any topic. Any length.Monday morning. 'Cause what Monday wouldn't be a little better started off with rhyme?Let me know in the comments!


  1. Okay two things. (maybe more) 1. I can`t see through the tears after reading the last lines. 2. Poetry Monday...yippee. Can we all playƉ
    and finally 3 (told you maybe more) What a lovely poem and what a lovely idea.

    1. I'd LOVe to have everyone play, Delores! How do I do that?

    2. Gosh I don't did Words For Wednesday start? I just started posting prompts and writing blurbs using the prompts. A few folks joined in and next thing I new it was off the ground. How about asking your followers to mention poetry Monday on their blogs? Maybe post a potential topic on Fridays.

    3. Okay, I'm going to try this. It'll be fun!

  2. You are so talented! Can spin a good tale and now even in rhyme! I loved this!!

    1. Thanks so much, Haralee! Life is just better in rhyme! :)

  3. Your poetic ability knows no bounds, Diane! I like the idea of Poetry Monday. I'm sitting here wondering how to work it - I already post on Monday and want the poem part to be separate. I'm not sure whether to double post or start a new blog ... decisions, decisions!

    1. Sorry to complicate your life, Jenny! But I would love for you to join us!

  4. I've come over from Delores blog, because she was writing about Poetry Monday.

    I love reading poems ...
    Not so good at writing them ...

    All the best Jan

    1. We need the readers, Jan! Would love to have you follow!

  5. Oh Diane, I loved this. I have a picture that I adore of my daughter standing on my husband's toes dancing. I always wondered what it would have been like to be able to dance with my dad at my wedding.

    1. He was there, Rena. Maybe not as you wished. But he was there!

  6. What a sweet mental image; dancing on Daddy's toes :)
    I'll enjoy reading your Monday poems, but writing poetry my self is out of the question. Totally beyond me.

    1. We need our readers, River! You are as important as the poems!


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