Friday, March 24, 2017

Pebble Debts

Poetry Monday

Feeling a bit pensive today,  being away from family and having time to ponder...

Yes, I stood there with the crowd,

And yes, I joined their actions,

But mine were not as bad as theirs

They were but just a fraction!

I did not throw the biggest stone,

When stones were being tossed.

T'was not my stone that caused most pain, 

Could I, like them, be lost?

The rocks they threw were great, and were

With great precision met,

Mine was just a pebble, true,

Should I receive their debt?

Theirs, they cast with all their might,

Mine, with little force.

If greater strength means greater wrong,

Am I truly on their course?

When sins are being weighed at last

And punishments are laid,

Will the Lord request a smaller due

When my 'pebble' debt is paid?

Zip over to Delores at Mumblings


Jenny at The Procrastinating Donkey 

And see what their Monday is like!

Me, I'm still rambling with my Husby and our friends. In the South of France now and heading toward Switzerland. Loving this!


  1. I have already visited and marvelled at Delores and Jenny_o's creations.
    I am glad that you are having a wonderful time.
    And yes, I wonder. Is going along for the ride and not speaking out a sin in itself? Probably... Mind you, I am not sinless and in no position to throw stones.

  2. Words to think about. I don't think there's anyone anywhere who hasn't thrown a pebble and I don't think the size of the pebble is as relevant as the intent behind it.

  3. It's not the size of the pebble, it's the fact that it was thrown in the first place.

  4. Interesting thoughts! Can't wait to hear about your trip in future blog spins!

  5. Your poem is lovely and has made me think - never a bad thing ... As a younger person I was thoughtless more than once and still burn with shame and wish I could go back and undo those things. They did make me more aware, so there's that ...

    Have a wonderful time, Diane!

  6. "Me, I'm still rambling with my Husby and our friends. In the South of France now and heading toward Switzerland. Loving this!"

    Have a great time, safe travels

    All the best Jan

  7. This poem really makes me think. Are there levels of responsibility?
    Love all the pics you're sharing of your trip. Keep them coming!

  8. Very well written, Diane. Glad to hear you are having fun on your trip---the photos you've been sharing on FB make me long for a return to Europe!!


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