Monday, March 13, 2017


It's Monday!
Time for a little rythm.
A little Rhyme.
And a whole lotta fun!

Our play has wrapped.
Today and tomorrow? Memories of The Elves and the Shoemaker:

Their parents were all in the cast or backstage,
Their grandparents, too, with the play were engaged.
Two little girls in the large gallery,
Two last little sprigs on their family’s tree,
Had grown bored with the play they had seen from Day One.
That first day was great! The rest, not so fun.
They’d seen scenes through first blocking and all incarnations,
Knew all of the songs and heard all the Orations.
And while those in the room were still fixed on the show,
Running sound and effects. Lights above and below,
Two little girls weren’t attentive at all,
They wanted to run. They wanted to sprawl.
They did not want to sit in their chairs quietly,
They wanted to dance, laugh and giggle. Times three.
But Grampa, just sitting there, manning the lights,
Had to keep ‘shushing’ his two little mites.
Then in an effort to give them a scare,
Vowed to tape two little butts to their chairs.
Two little girls sat down quietly then,
But those silly old wiggles soon started again.
And then Grampa, still working the lighting board’s keys
Heard a sweet little voice, and it said, "Grampa, please—
We’ve done everything mom sent for we two to share,
Grampa, please, could you tape both our butts to the chair?"
Every day we learn something, and today, here is one:
When is a threat not a threat? When it’s fun!

Ahhh! Doesn't Poetry just smooth out the wrinkles?
Visit my good friends and see what they've done with Poetry Monday:
Jenny_o at Procrasintating Donkey
Delores at Mumblings


  1. I have fewer wrinkles today! I am in awe of anyone who writes poetry and rhymes!

  2. Love your poetry Diane - and love when a threat becomes a promise :)

  3. You are so talented! I don't even try to write poetry!

  4. Ha ha, great poem. I hope (I bet) your play was a huge success!

    1. Thank you, Karen! It went so well. I was proud of all my players!

  5. I love it, Diane - I can just see those two little girls, trying so hard to be good, and up for anything that sounds like Not Boring :)

  6. Love it...I used to write poetry a long long time ago...Maybe I should try it again...and did he tape their butts to the chair? LOL..

    1. He went so far as to look for some . . .
      Join us, Renee! We'd love to have you aboard!

  7. Glad it's a wrap on your play.
    Good to read your poetry ...

    All the best Jan

  8. Grampa please tape our butts to a chair, that made me laugh.
    Glad the play went well and is now over to you can all relax until next time.

  9. Yes, I'd like to know, too..did he tape their butts to the chair? What a lot of work - but all worth it!

    1. He didn't. The threat was all he could muster. plus he couldn't find any tape! :)


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