Monday, April 10, 2017

Poetry Monday: He Did

I'm home!
With real WiFi and my  own bed!
Tomorrow, I will be taking you along on my once-in-a-lifetime trip through France and Switzerland.
But today?
Today is for poetry because:
Monday is an awkward day,
It means the weekend's done away.
Faced with a workweek, shiny new,
We all need help to not feel blue.

Okay, well, it might take me a while to get back into the groove! :)

For today: When the daughter of my Dad's friend brought her future husband to meet her family, this is what her Dad told her/them.
True story.
The brave young man married the girl anyway. 
I just thought it would sound fun as a poem . . .

Her family had all been awaiting this call.
When at last they could meet her intended.
Unsure if a wedding ball'd ever befall
Or if spinster-hood ever portended.

But a young man, she'd met who was perfect, she'd bet,
In whose honour and love she felt sure.
So homeward, she'd set, their opinion to get,
And to tell her her choice would endure.

Her father shook hands with her handsome young man
And questioned him closely a while.
They talked of his clan, and he asked him his plans,
Then he turned to his girl, with a smile.

“From all that I hear, you have nothing to fear.
But if his standards aren't mine and your mother's
Don't worry, my dear,” he said to her, clear.
“He'll be buried out back with the others!”

Ahhh. Monday.
See what my co-conspirators have come up with this fine day!
Delores waxes beautifully lyrical at Mumblings
Jenny talks about her beautiful--but unpredictable--green-eyed fur baby at The Procrastinating Donkey


  1. Loved the poem Diane - I was galloping along with the rhythm and smiled right up to the last line :)

  2. cheezewhiz, all that rhyming, and laughs to boot.

  3. Looking forward to reading about your travels. Hopefully it does not include 'others buried out back'. I Love the poem!

    1. I guarantee there are no bodies. Buried or otherwise . . .

  4. Well, that certainly tested his bravery!
    I too am looking forward to your travel posts. Saw many of the pictures along the way but want to hear your stories and perspective.

  5. That's good advice. I think the young man should know what's in store for him if he screws up.

    Welcome home! Hope you had a good trip.

  6. And to think, he married her anyway. I'll be laughing all afternoon.

  7. Takes Buyer Beware to a whole new level!

    Can't wait to hear about your trip, Diane!

  8. 'buried out back with the others' that's a hoot. Good one Diane, as usual.

  9. Looking forward to hearing more about your travels...

    1. Thanks, Renee! Glad to be back. And with stories to tell! :)

  10. Welcome home.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed the work of all the poets this week. Thank you all.

    1. They are an amazing group, EC! I'm so glad to be counted with them!

  11. Well, if that last line didn't clarify the young man's intentions, I don't know what would! Fun post!

    1. No shilly-shallying here! (As my dad would have said . . .)

  12. Welcome home.
    A fun read, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  13. "Buried out back with the others" If the young man in question didn't falter even a tiny bit at that, then he clearly is "the one".

    1. That statement would certain separate the sheep from the goats! :)


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