Monday, April 24, 2017

Something's Sprung

March bows. A wave good-bye, she earns, 
And April comes and hope returns,
That soon we'll see some warmth and sun
And know that springtime has begun.

When colour will return anew,
And leaves come back and flowers poke through.
The grass turn green. The song of bird
Throughout the warming air be heard.

When soft and pristine breezes blow,
And places, then, to see. And go.
The doors and windows, closed so long,
Are opened wide to catch Spring's song . . .

It's here, you know, that airy Spring,
When bells ring out and songbirds sing,
There's warmth and joy and sunlight's gleam
And spring has sprung--cause I can dream.

Ready to set sail . . .

Someday . . .

Monday is for Poetry.
It starts the week off right, you see.
Now go discover what my friends,
Have done when they two wield their pens!
Delores at Mumblings is having an Ordinary Day
Jenny at The Procrastinating Donkey experienced a true modern dilemma.


  1. It's coming It may be late but it's coming. Such a hopeful poem. But oh, doesn't the pirate ship look sad waiting for it's crew?

    1. My crew keep looking out at it. They've even been on it for short trips. Very short . . .

  2. On this gray rainy cool day your poem is a lift that all will be warm and lovely consistently soon! I thought I wanted a tree house, now I want a pirate ship in my back yard.

  3. You've captured future spring with your words, and current spring with your photos :) And I enjoyed both!

    1. And I just took another look at your title and label - haha!

    2. I'm so glad, Jenny.
      And: I always try to get your attention with my labels! :)

  4. We're still waiting to "catch Spring's song" down here in Maine, too! Lovely, hopeful poem!

    1. It'll come. Sigh. (She says as she stands by the window and watches the snowflakes drift lazily from leaden skies...)

  5. It's here one day and gone the next this year. Two days ago it was almost 90 and today it won't make it out of the 50's! Lovely poem from a lovely person!

    1. You are so sweet, Rena! Oooh! Above freezing? I'm going where you are!

  6. Love it - and would love to set sail on that ship too. Despite sea-sickness... A girl can dream. A girl should dream.

  7. Cold and rainy here today. You put it perfectly. Oh, how I long for the warmth of spring.

    1. I occasionally fool myself by sitting on the couch in the front room when the sun is shining through. Mmmm. Then I get up and look outside...


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