Monday, May 1, 2017


What can I say of the sum: Forty-One?
How to describe it? Just what can be done?
That it follows Forty, well that is just true,
Though many things added together accrue,
You won’t find it contained in a times-table match,
Won’t cleanly divide, despite how hard you scratch.
So what can I say of that number? It’s fine?
It’s solid? It’s pretty? It’s stately? Divine?
Well, to Husby and me it’s the aforesaid,
‘Cause today, it’s the years that we two have been wed!

Happy Anniversary, my love!

It's poetry Monday!
Hop on over to Delores and Jenny and see how their day is going!


  1. Congrats on your anniversary.

  2. Congratulations on 41 years and on a really fun poem.

  3. Congratulations! Forty-one years is wonderful! Here's to many, many more :)

  4. Happy anniversary to both of you - and thank you for the poem.

  5. Happy anniversary. I hope you have many more.

  6. Happy anniversary to you both, Diane. Forty one may be an odd number, but it's a milestone for sure.

  7. Nice, congrats! Happy happy. Great picture.
    [41 is the # of years I've had Lyme—I do not celebrate.]

  8. Congratulations, that's wonderful! Happy Anniversary! I guess you already had your gift by traveling to France!


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