Monday, May 22, 2017


Old Cowboy Joe was telling tales in Main Street yesterday,
Describing his adventures in the city far away,
But Joe, he didn’t know the terms or language he should use,
So Charlie helped him so his hearers wouldn’t be confused.

Now Joe said, “I arrived at church, t’was Sunday, ‘fore sunrise.
They had me park Ol’ Blue, my truck in their corral, sidewise.”
“It’s not ‘corral’, Old Joe,” said Charlie, in a quiet voice,
“It’s ‘parking lot’, please get it right. Just make the proper choice.”

Ol’ Joe just shrugged and nodded and continued with his tale,
“I left Ol’ Blue and moseyed to the door along the trail.”
Charlie rolled his eyes and leaned on in toward his friend,
“It’s called a ‘sidewalk’, Joe,” he said. “You’ll get it, in the end.”

Joe looked at him and made a face, then started in once more,
“I met this dude there in the church, he was just inside the door.”
“That ‘dude’ would be the ‘usher’, Joe,” said Charlie, with a grin.
“He’s the guy who meets you there, the instant you walk in.”

“He led me down the chute,” Joe said. “I followed where he led.”
“An ‘aisle’ not a ‘chute’,” Chuck said. “Come on, Joe, use your head!”
Joe rubbed his nose. “With Chuck’s consent, I’d like to end my tale.”
Then Charlie smiled, “It’d go so well if you, my friend, spoke ‘braille’!”

“I stood there, just inside the church and looked around a bit,
“The dude then led me to a stall and showed me where to sit.”
Chuck looked at him. “A ‘stall’?” he said. Then spat the word out, “Pew!”
Joe said, “That dame I sat beside? Well, that’s what she said, too!”

Monday's for POETRY!
Come on, it needs all the  help it can get!
Delores and Jenny agree with me.
Mosey on over and see what they've done...


  1. I love your Monday Poems. They are always so clever and funny!

  2. That was fun and hey...I knew what the old Cowboy meant lol.

  3. That's a good one :) I think Joe's version of language is funnier.


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