Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Hood

My life has been spent in one gang or another.
My first was quite innocent: sisters and brothers.
From there, I moved up a bit: toddler who dared,
With my nursery gang, all of my exploits, I shared.
Later, my friends and I played in the street,
Our gang was the best and the fleetest of feet.
In school, I discovered a super new bunch,
We hung out together at recess and lunch.
In junior high, ‘cool’ was the group to be in.
And you’d do almost anything just to begin.
My friends in high school were the brightest and best,
Better, I thought, than were all of the rest.
And then finally, in college, the group I located
Was a gang who chased stories and issues debated.
But now I’ve discovered the best gang of all,
Yes, sometimes, they’re noisy and like to start brawls.
They messy, untidy. I do most of the work.
I feel like a cook, driver, cleaner. Or jerk.
But I love every one of them, I’ll not withdraw,
I’m in this gang forever, ‘cause they call me ‘Ma’!
I know in the world, there is stuff that is good,
But I’ll hang with my gang. We’ll be here in the ‘hood’.

Every month about this time, my good friend Karen of Baking in a Tornado give us a chance to contribute a poem on a theme.
May’s? Motherhood. My favourite topic!
See what the others have done!
Karen of Baking in a Tornado
Lydia of Cluttered Genius
Dawn of Spatulas on Parade
Sarah of Not That Sarah Michelle
Kristina Hammer, The Angrivated Mom


  1. Lovely! And a Happy Mother's Day to you, a bit early, Diane!

  2. Lovely that you have found your permanent gang.

  3. sounds like you've found the perfect gang, right there in your own 'hood

  4. I have to admit when I first started reading this poem I was wondering if I was reading the wrong post, wondering where in the world you were going with this. But I LOVE where you were going with this. Great poem, great sentiment.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! You're in a permanent gang now!

  6. Great poem, I really enjoyed it.

    All the best Jan


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