Monday, May 29, 2017

The Sendoff

Another 'Daddy' Story:

It's all true!
“Great Grampa,” said the strong young chap,
You’ve lived a very long lifetime,
Please share with me just what to do,
To stay forever in my prime.”

The aged cowboy tipped his hat
And gave the boy a level look,
“Don’t git your lariat in a knot. There
Ain’t no script and no guidebook.

But one thing I kin tell you, sure,
(Though first, the thought may not appeal!)
It has to do with eatin’, Son,
Each mornin’, gunpowder on your meal.”

The boy just nodded. That, he’d try.
Then every day, without debate,
He’d sprinkle just a pinch or so
Of sulfur, charcoal, and nitrate.

Yep. Every morn on his oatmeal.
It worked! He saw a hundred three,
And when he died, at that great age,
He left a large posterity.

He left his children. (Fourteen!) Yep.
And grandkids? Thirty. It is true.
And great-grands, forty-five of them.
And great-greats? five and twenty. Whew!

And there’s one more thing he left behind,
I’ll mention it and then I’ll quit.
The handsome crematorium?
Now a twelve-foot, smoking pit.

I love Mondays!
Because the week begins with Poetry!
Delores and Jenny agree with me.
Hop on over and see what they've created this Monday.
Oh, and have a great week!


  1. KABOOM!!!!!!!!! That waaI an explosive peice of advice for sure. I take it the old cowboy did't hover over too many campfires.

  2. Fantastic! And I am not a poetry person!!

  3. Your poetry always makes me either laugh or cry, Diane!

    I think you can guess which I'm doing right now :D

    1. Almost crying with laughter here.
      Mark Twain would love this tale...

  4. Made me laugh! Thanks for the pick me up this Monday!!

  5. Ha Ha, a twelve foot smoking pit :)


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