Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wings of Death

Does this scare you?

Debbie's family lived on a ranch not far from ours. Her father had worked for my parents as a young man, before he had married.
They had remained good friends.
As had Debbie and I, once we had made our respective appearances (ie. born).
In our senior year, I stayed with them for a semester. They were kind, wonderful people. Very clever and full of fun.
Debbie and I had a room in the basement. Lovely twin beds and assorted other furniture.
With the lamp hanging over her bed.
This is an important point.
She was also terrified of moths.
Another important point.
And I liked to read at night after climbing into bed.
These all tie together.
Let me explain . . .
It was late. Debbie had long been trying to sleep.
I was reading.
It never occurred to me that I was being inconsiderate, though I knew full well the room's only light hung directly over her.
She tossed and turned and finally huffed and, throwing back the covers, got out of bed.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“Bathroom,” she mumbled.
Just then, a moth that had been fluttering around in the light for the past half-hour, made the mistake of appearing where Debbie could see him. “Screech!” In a blur, she headed towards the door.
For some inexplicable reason, the moth followed her out into the dark hall.
You never can tell with moths.
There was another horrendous screech and Debbie darted back into the room, jumped into her bed and pulled the covers over her head.
The moth fluttered in happily behind her and was soon once more dancing in the light.
“STUPID MOTH! SHUT OFF THAT STUPID LIGHT!” Debbie shouted, through the covers.
I stared at the quivering lump that was my friend. “How on earth did you know the moth followed you into the hall?”
I complied.
Imagine. Frightened of a silly moth.
Now if it had been something truly scary. Like a spider . . .


  1. It's amazing the phobias that people develop over the years, or seem to be born with. I'll never forget you and your spiders. I had a secretary who was scared of mice and she would completely freeze when she saw one. Of course I chronicalled a story of that in my own blog...

  2. Having a couple of phobias, I can say only "poor Debbie!" Alana

  3. Um....I have the same problem as your friend.

  4. Ants and earwigs do it for me! Or TO me, maybe ...

  5. It's strange the things we end up afraid of. I don't like crickets because they jump at you. And snakes - I hate snakes. Unfortunately, I live right in the big middle of rattlesnake country.

  6. ... I'm not too keen on moths either!

    All the best Jan

  7. I don't think I'd want a moth or a spider anywhere near me at bedtime - I think I hate cockroaches more than any other bug though!

  8. I can handle the moth...a spider no way!


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