Monday, June 12, 2017

Dislike Mike

Old Mike, he’s quite the ornery guy,
But if you ever ask him why,
Rather than his ways decry,
‘Tis likely he’d just not reply.

Mike’s wife, upon the other hand,
Is someone who is really grand,
Tries very hard to understand,
And to placate his demands.

One day, she thought the time had come,
She’d try to please her crabby chum.
To make him happy, up, she’d drum,
The perfect breakfast. Every crumb.

His least demands, she would regard,
She’d maybe catch the man off guard.
Some notes, she made upon a card,
When he said, “Eggs. One soft, One hard.”

She cooked and stirred, then did present,
The food for which her spouse had sent,
Thereby, so hoping to prevent,
Their usual morning argument.

So carefully, she did array
His lovely breakfast on a tray,
He frowned, then nodded. Happy day!
She finally had got her way!

But all her efforts, he’d discard,
When he spoke, the old blowhard,
And said (With verve. And disregard),
“Dear wife, you boiled the wrong one hard!”

With me, Old Mike’d face no backlash
O’er his head, no dishes smash,
No screaming and no teeth to gnash.
I’d just firmly place him in the trash!

Here, Monday's are for poetry,
If, like Delores and Jen-ny,
And me. You find that you agree,
Then go to visit them and see.

And you have till midnight to vote for my book cover, Daughter of Ishmael!
Please, please go and cast your vote. I'll be soooo grateful!


  1. Ha ha, I think she should have stuck Mike in the trash can long ago.

  2. Sounds like Old Mike is the kind of guy who isn't happy unless he's unhappy and making everyone else the same. My message to 'Old Mike'? Get your own breakfast from now on you old coot. Another fun read Diane. When is the next book of poetry coming out?

  3. Too cute! Mike is lucky that a frypan hadn't been smacked across his mug!

  4. Hah! There's just no pleasing some people! And when you say "for sale" don't you mean his wife would pay to have someone take him away? lol

  5. The Mikes of this world use an incredibl amount of energy being unhappy and disastisfied. Into the trash with them...

  6. I tend to agree with Delores here, it does sound "like Old Mike is the kind of guy who isn't happy unless he's unhappy and making everyone else the same"

    Happy Monday
    Happy New Week too

    All the best Jan

  7. Nothing like a little poem to start my week :) Voted for your book cover and thanks for your kind words about my blog revamp xx

  8. Boiled the wrong one hard??
    Such a man would try my patience for sure. In no time I'd be making him cook his own breakfast.


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