Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Putting the 'Father' in Fatherhood

It starts out with a snuffle--a voice he's never heard before,
And suddenly, he's a Father with a whole new world in store.
The time goes by, he's changed a thousand diapers, maybe more,
His hair's grown grey along the sides, his back is bent and sore,
He knows feeding, changing--s'expert on most everything that's sold,
Imagine how much more he'll know when his child is two days old . . .

The years fly past, his baby's reached the great old age of three,
That wondrous time when head and hands reach *ouch* above the knee,
The scars have healed from babe's first tooth, the child can even talk,
The tiny hard hat's put away--his little one can walk.
The child is toilet-trained, survived each illness, scratch and sore,
Dad knows it all. Good thing because his wife just had two more.

His babes grow tall--or he grows small--there's quite a shift in size,
He's not as smart as he once was, through his adolescent's eyes.
He's older now and he can see both sides of any fight,
But it matters not 'cause like his child, he knows that he is right.
And as he watches, painfully, the sometimes good and bad,
There's one thing that will never change--the fact that he's their dad.

And so it goes, he does his best, survives on little rest,
He goes to work each day, comes home and simply does his best.
There is little recognition for the work he does each day,
A baby hug, a chocolate kiss may be his only pay.
But he strangles his impatience as he watches tiny hands,
And he gently speaks when teenage heads just do not understand.

His prods and pushes--anger, too, he tempers, 'cause he cares,
His one reward, his children's love, he treasures through the years.

Each month, Karen of Baking in a Tornado gathers the poets in her circle and gives us a challenge.
The theme for this month is Fatherhood.
Zip over to the others and see what they've created!
Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Fatherhood
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: My Boys Are Dads
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: “Daddy Wins”


  1. All the stages of Fatherhood. Nicely done.

  2. Beautiful poem, Diane, it brought tears to my eyes. Seems that all the years you've represented here went by in real life in about the same amount of time it took me to read about it.

  3. A great way to sum up fatherhood ... with smiles thrown in for free :)

  4. OH wow! I just love this and the way you've honored that journey that is fatherhood (or parenthood, too!). :)

  5. Nice tribute to your Dad for Father's Day.

  6. That's a nice tribute to fathers everywhere.

  7. Beautiful poem!! Thank you so much for sharing it!!


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