Monday, June 19, 2017

The Back of His Head

I was visiting my folks, we had had a nice day,
I’d been married three weeks, had been living ‘away’.
“There’s just one thing I hate about marriage,” I said.
“When he goes out the door. It’s the back of his head.”

“I wish he could stay at home always. With me.”
Dad smiled, “You’ll be glad when he goes, Hon, you’ll see.”
“With your work and your chores, he’ll just be in the way,
You’ll be glad for the back of his head every day.”

Now I have to admit often Dad had it right,
With his bits of advice and his splendid insight.
But, frankly, in this, well Dad’s counsel was flawed,
(I still marvel at this ‘cause that really was odd!)

And for forty-one years now, my Husby’s left home,
Dressed in his best, with his hair freshly combed.
His tie in its place and his briefcase in hand,
With footsteps so sure, his position, he’s manned.

And each day as I stood there, to bid him good-bye,
I have to admit, there were tears in my eyes.
But happiness bloomed when, once more, he’d return,
Worn out from his day, as our living, he’d earned.

But something quite different has happened today,
‘Cause this was the last time I’ll send him away.
Today, he retires. Yes his work life is done,
And from here on I’ll spend my days with ‘HoneyBun’!

So, Daddy, I know that you’re watching from ‘there’.
I know, your advice you dispensed ’cause you cared.
But in this you were wrong, Dad. You have to agree,
I’m happy ‘cause Husby’ll be home now, with me!

Mondays are for Poetry!
My good friends Jenny and Delores agree with me!
Head on over and see how their week is starting!
You'll be glad you did!


  1. Congratulations to the husby on his retirement...but may find yet that your Daddy was right.

  2. How absolutely sweet. Wonderful that your husband is retiring! My husband was supposed to retire the end of this year then July 1 and then it was pushed and he retired in April and he loves it. So do I!

  3. Happy times!! May retirement be all you both hope for ... congratulations, Husby!

  4. A wonderful poem.
    Congratulations to husby on his retirement - for you both to enjoy.

  5. So cute! Your dad was right about mine, though. I wouldn't mind if he moved out. LOL

  6. Aw, loved this! Congrats to hubby!

  7. Congratulations on Husby's retirement.

  8. I love that he went out to work for all those years and now you have him to yourself. My husband works from home these days so I feel like I never get to see the back of his head!

  9. Diane, you must share your secret. I really want to know how it is you're still so much in love with this man you're happy he's home! hee hee! Me? I'm happiest when I see the back of the Significant Other's head since this means my time is mine and I don't have to cater to his every need. It's exhausting! Beautiful post! Congratulations to you husband on his retirement! :)


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