Wednesday, July 12, 2017


I always was afraid at night
When Mother would turn out the light,
Into the darkness, I would stare
And look for monsters waiting there.

My terror's lasted all my life,
E’en after I became a wife,
Though I admit there's far less fear
When someone else is sleeping near.

But still the darkness frightens me.
Still harbours scary things, you see.
Into the darkness, I will stare
For thugs and villains waiting there.

Once, Husby took me out to see
A great new movie, just released.
About a girl, so sweet and kind
With powers that absorbed her mind.

That night, my world again askew,
The light stayed on because I knew
The darkness, into which I stared?
For certain, Carrie waited there.

And so it’s gone - the darkness wins,
The light goes off, and my mind spins.
Creating creatures in the night
That disappear in morning light.

Beings who would steal your mind
Performing tests on all mankind.
Into the darkness I still stare
And watch for aliens waiting there.

Last night I stumbled down the hall
Intent on answering nature’s call
And when I glanced into the mirror,
My reflection was one pale blur.

For my tri-focals help me out,
So I can see my way about.
If in the darkness, I did stare,
I’d not see anything waiting there.

Hmmm . . .

What you can't see won’t hurt you, right?
Shhh . . . I’m turning off the light.
Once a month our little Poetry group
headed by our intrepid leader,
Karen of Baking in a tornado,
posts (what else?) Poetry. It's fun.
And on a theme.
This month? Reflection.
Visit my team and see what
everyone has done with it!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: No Reflection
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Reflection of My Past Life
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: One Year


  1. Nice job!!! On a more downer note, I do wonder what causes fear of the dark in some and not others. I'm putting that on my google list.

    1. Hmmm . . . I wonder, too, Susan! My mom always said I had too much imagination . . .

  2. Terrific poem! I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That was great fun. You know, maybe for Poetry Monday we should start suggesting a 'topic' .... I know sometimes I am at a loss for ideas. A topic might help.

  4. As usual, clever and perfect. Loved it so much!

  5. Your talent always leaves me in awe. Love your take on the theme, and yes, I can relate!

  6. I prefer to think that being afraid of the dark is a sign of a good sturdy imagination :)

    Well done, as always!

  7. Can't say I blame you. "Carrie" would scare anyone!

    1. Yikes. I read the book, so I thought I was prepared for the ending they stuck onto the movie. Nope. Nearly had my baby right there in the movie theatre! :)

  8. I enjoyed this so much! I'm freaked out by anything scary, and I still turn lights on as I walk through the house at night. ;)

    1. So do I! Even to walk down the hall! Husby just laughs. He knows me.

  9. I like the way you attacked and conquered this prompt! Super creative. :)

  10. Love it. My reflection is scarier than most other monsters though...

    1. I'm the same. You'd think we'd be immune because of it! :)

  11. Love your poems Diane - always real and always with a funny little twist x

  12. I know more than a few people who are scared of the dark and I just don't understand it. The dark has never worried me.

    1. I always wanted to be like you. Fearless in the dark. Or better yet, like Scrooge in Christmas Carol, 'Darkness was cheap and he liked it'. I'm still working on it!

  13. I suspect that only mothers work harder than guardian angels - and that both are grateful to have the other to take up some of the slack.



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