Monday, July 17, 2017


Today, for Poetry Monday, I'm doing a little self-imposed exercise.

Fill In The Blanks

This is a little ditty quoted by my sainted mother throughout my growing up years. And a little bit after that:

There's so much good in the worst of us
And so much bad in the best of us.
That it doesn't behoove any of us
To talk about the rest of us.

Great poem, right?
So this is my challenge to me.
Take the formula and--see what I can do with it.

Hmm . . .

There's so much life in the oldest of us,
And so much fatigue in the youngest of us,
That we can't possibly, any of us
Try to outwork the rest of us.

This is harder than I thought.

Umm . . .

There's so much fun in the angriest,
And so much mad in the happiest,
That no one can (at any behest)
Say just who is the crappiest.


One more try . . .

There’s so much work in the laziest,
And so much laze in the workiest,
That none of the chores, by mother’s request
Will ever get done, though the house is messed.


How about . . .

There's so much forgotten by the oldest of us,
And so much to learn in the youngest of us,
The amount that is known by any of us
Is probably the same as the rest of us.

I give up.
Mom’s really is the best!

Today’s theme for PoetryMonday is Nonsense.
Now go and see what my good friends/poetry mavens, Delores and Jenny have for you!
And stay tuned for Next Monday and the topic of  VACATIONS!


  1. I am SO impressed, Diane!! I'll think about this formula and see if I can come up with something to add later :)

  2. Your Moms is absolutely the best but the last one you did is your bsst I thinnk. Lots of fun.

    1. Heehee! Thank you, D! It's all about the fun, right?!

  3. Love It! Now I'm trying to think of something!

  4. Impressed smiles from here. Not least at how much wisdom our parents had. And shared. How I wish more of it had stuck.

  5. Loved your attempts Diane - Especially the old and young ones - so true!

  6. I really like your mum's version, but the others are good too.

    1. Some day, I hope to reach her level. I'll keep trying! ;)


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