Monday, July 10, 2017

Sorting Souls

Just inside the graveyard fence stood a big old pecan tree.
One day two boys came hunting nuts. In actuality.
They filled a big old bucket (though they spilled some by the fence),
Then sat down right there by the tree so counting could commence.
“One for you and one for me,” said one boy, happily.
“And another one for you and then another one for me.”
A third young boy came riding past the graveyard on his bike,
Heard some voices from inside that sounded quite ghostlike.
Slowed and heard a voice say, “One for you and one for me.”
“One for you and one for me,” it continued gleefully.
In an instant, he had figured who was speaking thus,
Left to find someone with whom all this he could discuss.
‘Round the bend he came upon an old man with a cane,
Hobbling slowly down the road in quite extensive pain.
“Come here quick!” the boy said. “Please believe what I just heard!”
“They’re in there sharing out the souls, both Satan and the Lord!”
He said, “Beat it kid, you see it's hard for me to stroll?”
The boy was firm. The graveyard fence then became their goal.
Standing by the bars they heard those fateful words once more,
“One for you and one for me.” As had been said before.
The old man whispered, “Boy, you're right. What you said is true!”
“Let's move closer by the fence and bring the Lord in view!”
They gripped tight those iron bars as they tried to get a glimpse.
But they could not see anything. Though they hung there like two chimps.
At last they heard, “For you. For me. That's all and ain’t this fun?”
“Let's get those nuts o’er by the fence and then we will be done!”

The old man led for a good half-mile, just running like a deer,
Before the kid on the bike shot past and left him in the rear.

'Tis Monday and I know you know that that means poetry.
So visit Jenny and Delores. Now that you've seen me!


  1. HAHAHAHA! Love it, Diane! I'm still laughing here :)

  2. What a great story! I loved this one Diane.

  3. Your poems always tell a story and this one was a doozy.

  4. You've outdone yourself. Couldn't stop laughing!

  5. Too cute! I could see them all!!

    1. Thanks so much, Haralee! I have such a vision of that elderly fellow just booting it down the road...

  6. Such a good story and told so well. I can just picture that old man running down the road.

  7. Well done ...and I'm smiling too!

    All the best Jan

  8. I know some guys who would put out little bits of bate on the kitchen floor of a run down London appartment put on their shoes stomp around the kitchen in the dark and the see how many cockroaches they'd killed when lights come on.Yuck



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