Thursday, August 31, 2017

25 More

More Mom:
1. Everything worthwhile has a fence around it.  But there is always a gate and a key.
2. Keep happy and joy will form a shield against difficulty.
3. The trouble with some of today's smart kids is that they don't smart in the right place.
4. You can't get rid of a temper by losing it.
5. Confidence is that certain feeling you have just before you know better.
6. If the shoe fits, it's out of style.
7. The best way to lose weight is to eat all you want of things you don't like.
8. The nicest thing about being quiet is that you will seldom be picked to head a committee.
9. If you know you've lost your head, you've made a good find.
10. Optimist: A person who thinks the cleaner is shrinking his suits.
11. A bargain is where two people are sure they got the better of each other.
12. The best thing about the good old days is that we were young.
13. Years of square meals add up to a nice round figure.
14. There are still a few things you can get for a dollar: nickels, dimes and quarters.
15. A father is a man who expects his son to be as good as he meant to be.
16. Lord, help me to admit when I am wrong. And make me easier to live with when I am right.
17. To err is human. To really louse things up takes a computer.
18. The young look into the future. The old look into the past. The middle-aged look worried.
19. I've changed my mind. I hope this one works!
20. I do not come to teach. I come to listen to you.
21. Wise people talk when they have something to say. The rest of us talk to say something.
22. Doing nothing is fine. Unless you make it a full time project.
23. A speech often resembles a wheel. The longer the spoke, the greater the tire.
24. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
25. Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong.

And my favourite:
A minister apologized for the bandage on his chin. "I was thinking about the sermon and cut my face." In the collection plate he found this note, "Next time, think about your face and cut your sermon!"


  1. Your Mom was a wise, wise woman.

    1. I sure miss her and that wisdom. So glad I have her journals!

  2. I love your mom's collection! Glad you are sharing it :)

  3. Replies
    1. And I didn't even fully realize until I started reading her journals. An expert is never an expert in their own land!

  4. "I've changed my mind. I hope this one works." How many times have I wished the same thing.

  5. Love it! #4 and #18 may be my favorites but they're all so true!

  6. #4, I learned that somewhere between age 9 and 10.
    #22, doing nothing certainly is fine and at my age, who cares how long a project I make it?

    1. I have a relative who could still use #4. Seriously. And I'd definitely like to settle into #22. Mmmmm . . .

  7. These are great! I can identify with all of them.

  8. Love it! #4 and #18 may be my favorites but they're all so true!

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  9. Love these! They're all good but #5 and #7 really resonate with me. Sharing this in a roundup post to publish on 9-16-17.

  10. I just found these Diane - and love them all - especially about shoes fitting!


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