Monday, August 21, 2017

A Meeting in the Meeting

- from a story Daddy liked to tell . . .

His wife was tired, she looked a ‘fright’,
With babies, she’d been up all night.
“He said, “Hun, right here, you’ll stay.”
“I’ll go, myself, to church today.”

She smiled at him with gratitude,
Grateful for the interlude.
He happ’ly went, dressed in his best.
And prayed his wife would get some rest.

‘Twas sometime later. He returned,
His face with discomfort burned.
For two big shiners did he sport,
With one aleft and one athwart.

His wife, her eyebrows she did raise,
He reddened at her doubtful gaze,
“I went to church," he said. "I did!
I wasn’t bad there, God forbid!”

“I sat there good as gold. It’s true!
And others sat around me, too.
We listened. All was calm and peace.
The Spirit flowed and fear did cease.”

“But when the congregation rose,
To sing a hymn (and sleep dispose),
The dame in front of me this week?
Her dress was stuck between her cheeks.”

“Supposing I’d do something kind,
I pulled it, thinking she’d not mind.
But she did! She turned about,
And with her fist, gave me a clout.”

“Well, that explains the first one, dear,”
The second one is still unclear.”
He shrugged, “Well, she made such a fuss,
I thought she must desire it thus.”

With wardrobes, to avoid a smack,
Do not put untucked things back.

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.
And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .


  1. I can see it all unfolding before my eyes....'ll bet from wardrobe malfunctions he now shies. Now then......what's next weeks theme?

  2. Yes made me laugh! Haven't we all been there in a hot room and wearing a sticky piece of clothing that is adhering to parts not intended?

  3. Guilty snickers from here.
    And definitely looking forward to next week's creations.

    1. Yikes! That's what I get for petitioning Husby for ideas . . .

  4. LOL! That was VERY well done, Diane! And I have noted the theme for next week ... thanks, I think ... :)


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