Friday, August 25, 2017


If you think the outside is fantastic . . .
Edmonton, Alberta is a good-sized city. Not distressingly large, by the world's standards.
But a nice, comfortable million or so people.
It has many, many attractions.
Our family's favourite is the Telus World of Science.
When the kids were small, it was called the Space and Science Centre. We were there almost every week.
The kids would wander through their favourite displays. Interact with their favourite activities.
And go with us to see an Imax show.
If you've never seen Imax presentation, you should. It consists of a huge screen and crystal-clear photography.
And you feel as though you were part of the action.
When our Caitlin was three, we went to see a show - simply titled, Speed.
For forty minutes, we were part of car racing, flights, train rides, roller coasters, and anything in this world that went fast.
To say we enjoyed it would be a vast understatement. Our sons in particular were quite literally hanging onto the edge of their seats.
Finally, the show ended, as shows do.
The lights came up.
Caitlin, who had spent the entire time in the seat next to her father, looked up. “Daddy? Is it done?”
Her father nodded.
“Can I put my feet down now?”
It was then we realized that, when the action started, she had pulled her feet up to keep them from catching on anything as it 'flew' past. And held them up.
For forty minutes.
Now that's movie realism.
Edmonton is a wonderful place. There are tons of things to do.
But when you tire, stop at the Imax.
It's all about seeing.
Keep your feet up.


  1. Poor kid. We have an imax theater not far from me at our zoo. My kids used to love going there too.

  2. Believe it or not, I've only seen two IMAX movies in my life. I have motion sickness problems with them, but other than that, they are awesome! (they had "4D" movies where I watched the eclipse but the lines were so long, we gave up.)

  3. Kid must have had quite the muscle cramp after that.

  4. Oh to have her muscular control...
    And no, I haven't seen an IMAX production. I am not even certain where the nearest theatre which shows them is.

  5. I've never seen an IMAX production either. I'm not sure if I'd have motion sickness or love it, but I'm thinking it would be one or the other, no in-between!

    Poor little tyke - her legs must have been worn out!

  6. Is it really that real? We have an Imax theatre here in Adelaide, but I've never been.


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