Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sunday Bonanza

Tell me you remember . . . sigh!

Every Sunday evening when we were kids . . . hmmm . . . maybe a little preamble . . .
Sundays were family/TV nights.
Our one TV channel outdid itself on that particular evening.
And if we were good--okay, I admit it, even if we weren't good--we got to watch.
First Disney's Wonderful World of colour.
In black and white and shades of grey.
Then Ed Sullivan.
Then Bonanza.
The best of them all.
The cherry on top of the sundae . . . well . . . Sunday.
Not a sound would be heard.
We barely breathed.
Pa and Adam and Hoss and Little Joe filled the air around us.
There was room for nothing else.
If you wanted to do something noisy . . .
Like blink.
Or swallow.
Do it during the commercials from the Kraft Kitchens.
But the best part . . .
The best part, was the opening: du-duddle-uh-duddle-uh-duddle-uh, Bonanza!
Du-duddle-uh-duddle-uh-duddle-uh, Bonanza is it's name!
We'd 'sing' along happily and wait.
Remember the aforementioned (good word) no breathing.
That would be here, too.
Warning: Hot!
Because the fire was coming.
From the map that burned right there on the screen.
All of us kids would run up and touch the B&W&SOG (see above) flames and then run howling and screaming about the room pretending we had been mortally burned.
Our patient parents would nod and smile and shake their heads and wait for the music to finish.
Because that would be our cue for absolute quiet.
Without either of them having to say a word.
Sunday evening.
With family.
And Bonanza.
It just didn't get any better than that.


  1. Oh gosh.....I remember the 'big hats' show. My folks always watched it.

    1. Did you get to? It was the one time when my parents actually joined us kids!

  2. I knew of it, but we didn't watch it. Perhaps if we had my parents too would have achieved a peaceful quiet evening.

  3. OK, I never actually watched Bonanza, but my gosh, some high school friend of mine recently posted the opening credits from The Wonderful World of Disney and I could just remember how much we loved that show!

    1. That was the heavy hitter that started the whole evening. I loved it, too!

  4. I remember :) Loved 'em all. (Side note: Do you remember the little Italian mouse puppet Topo Gigio on Ed Sullivan? Before I was old enough to stay up for the whole show, my parents used to let me get out of bed just for that segment. Good memories!)

  5. I remember Bonanza very well. I loved it and Adam was my favourite, also the cook, I don't remember his name. Not so long ago, we had repeats on during the afternoon here, so I got my coffee and sat down to watch, and boy was I disappointed. It seems I've outgrown it.

    1. Adam was my favourite, too! The pace was much, much slower than we've grown accustomed to now. Sad. The cook's name was Hop Sing.


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