Tuesday, August 8, 2017

With Posterity

I feel I owe an apology,
I missed Monday's Poetry.
I spent it with posterity,
That ranged from fourteen down to three.

'Twas 'Cousins Weekend' here, you see,
With games of Jacks and 'Can't Catch ME!'
(Round pirate ship and apple tree.)
Made ice cream, donuts and whoopee!

They ate some popcorn, watched movies,
And out-screeched any good banshee.
And played to such a great degree,
They wore out Grampa and Gramee!

But before your start to feel sorry,
And worry just a bit for me . . .
I thank the Lord on bended knee
For kids aged fourteen down to three.


  1. Grampa and Gramee are brave to take on so many little ones at once! Aren't they beautiful, though? - and all as different as snowflakes ...

  2. I just had a cousins reunion. Realizing none of us are grandparents yet (or ever) it never really crossed my mind until now.

  3. How lovely. I figured you must have been busy this weekend. Um.....next weeks theme please.

  4. How absolutely lovely.
    My cousinless (and childless) self has very green eyes.

  5. Did I count correctly? There were 13 around that table. I know you just had another one that would be too tiny to sit with the other kids. Does that make it 14 grandchildren? Wow! You rock!

    Loved your poem! You need to be on stage!


  6. That sounds like a noisy weekend, enjoyable but I bet you're glad at least a little bit when they all go home again.

    1. That's the nice thing about grandchildren. Enjoy them for a while. Then send them home!


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