Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Swedish Romance: Part Two

If you missed Part One, you can find it here.
When you're done, you will find us waiting . . .

Found among Grandma Berg's effects and translated by two of my uncles (with help from a Swedish friend  and cousins in Sweden).

The love letters:

Pingree, Idaho R.F.D.#1, Feb. 15, 1918

Alskade Ellen, (Darling Ellen)
That's what I call you even though I don't have the right, since I haven't done enough to deserve it. Thank you very much for you letter. It was such a special, loving letter, coming when it did, after what seemed such a long time.
I couldn't hope for such lofty thoughts, expecting that your feelings would be a little milder. But now my happiness is full since you believe me to be better than I deserve. And Ellen, I love you very much. I cannot get over my love for you, my darling. You have made me very happy with your letter. Now I can quit worrying about something I might have done for which I could not get your forgiveness.
But thank you for your own and unique kind heart.
I hope that you will not find any reason to be concerned about me. I trust you will find that I have matured from a problem young boy to a thinking, steady young man who seeks to go forward to the highest possible goal.
Oh, Ellen, that you really love me so, surprises me, but makes me very happy. I think how sad it would be if I never see you again. It is true that it is very hard to travel to this country, but it is certain that it will be worse before fall. I have thought that I could go home in the fall but I am not sure that I can manage it. But if I cannot come home, it may be better that you come to me. Should you have something against coming for a few years, since the war cannot last long couldn't you leave all at home and travel over the Atlantic for my sake? If I can't travel home, I will naturally look after your ticket. In your next letter please be so kind and tell me you will come. Naturally I will try to come home if at all possible. Oh, my darling of you were here with me, I would be so happy. Never again would we part.
Now please tell me about everything, where you have been and what you have done during the whole year. Even the smallest detail interests me more than you can imagine. It is such a long time since we have seen each other. Can you believe it is five years and it only seems like yesterday? However in the winter you will see me if God wills.
If I come home I'm sure we would soon come back here again. Believe me, my own little darling, I feel it is as good here as back in Sweden. So I beg you to come here. When you have been here a little while you will find that it will be better than you think.
Oh how wonderful it will be. I miss you terribly. I will write a long letter soon. I never tire of reading your letter over, your many kisses enclosed, last a long time. Dearest greetings to you my own loving Ellen.
Technar med innerlig karlek, din alltid tillgivne, Paterus Berg (Sending with heartfelt love. Yours for ever, Petrus Berg)


  1. Ahh, he had a way with words! How absolutely wonderful a letter, and that you have had the chance to read it!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these gems with us.

  3. This is truly beautiful. And have no doubt Darling Ellen read and reread until she knew it by heart.


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