Monday, September 4, 2017


It's Monday again.
Time for a little more rhyme . . .
Today's topic was 'Parents'.
And what could be better than something written by one of them?
From my Mom:

How sweet to greet the welcome guest
And give him sustenance and rest,
To sit with him for half the night
In confab serious or light,
Then tuck him in your own soft bed
And on the sofa lay your head.

And in the morning, sweet, indeed,
To yield the bathroom to his need.
Then break his fast with royal food
Ah! Hospitality! How good!
What else, my host, so warms the heart?
Except to see the guest depart!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.
And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

And next week in our neighbourhood,
We'll tackle 'Nature'. It'll be good!


  1. I love this - and at first I misunderstood and thought your mom was writing about babies as royal guests ... and sometimes it does seem that way!

    Nature. Noted :)

    1. Yeah, could be either till you get to the last line! ;)

  2. This is great. Your mom nailed it. We love tdo entertain and treat people well and we love to see them go home...yes we do.

  3. Too true, seeing the guest depart is always good.

    1. Dad always said they were like fish. After three hours they start to smell . . .

  4. Replies
    1. You are so welcome! Today's royal food is left-over hamburgers. Yumm . . .

  5. Your mom nailed it. We love tdo entertain and treat people well and we love to see them go home...

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