Wednesday, September 13, 2017

On Being Late

They liked the old retiree, though he was a little gruff,
They had hired him ‘cause he seemed smart and surely knew enough.
And they were right. He mastered all the work they gave to do,
And it wasn’t long till he became “the one who follows through”.
He did so well at all his work, for a while, they just ignored
His penchant for arriving late. ‘Cause he always kept his word.
One day, the boss had had enough and called him in to talk.
The man said, “I know why you’ve called, it’s really not a shock.”
“I know I’m late, I’m trying, but it’s harder than you think,
“I’ll do my best and I’ll improve, I’d rather swim than sink!”
His boss just shook his head and frowned. “What did they do before?”
“Did your boss just look the other way when you came in the door?”
The man just smiled. His grizzled face had turned a little pink.
“They said, “Morning, Admiral. What would you like to drink?”

Today is a poetry challenge from Karen of Baking in a Tornado.
The topic? Be Late for Something Day. Okay, yes, the official date was September 5.
We're late.
See what the other challengers had wrought!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: White Rabbit and Me
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Better Late Than Never, Right?
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Better Late than Never


  1. Not the answer the boss (or me) expected. Funny!

  2. Funny, but also true, you never know what someone's experiences have been unless you take the time to get to know them. That's why I love our new weekly Five Things post in our private group.

    1. I love finding out someone's background! It's NEVER what you expect!

  3. Smiling. Broadly. Despite being chronically early - for everything.

    1. Ugh. That' me, too.
      There is another school for thought: Those who are too early for everything also waste a lot of time.
      Yeah, I'm not convinced, either.

  4. Nice surprise at the end! Well done. You are a poetry-writing machine, Diane!!

    1. Don't you just love poetry, Jenny? I balances my world out!

  5. Ooh I love this! I had a feeling it was going to be a cool ending, but it was better than expected! :)


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